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Everything posted by zoukiny

  1. Hey guys just wanted to say a BIG thank you for all of you at MFFA for the great job you doing. Hope you have a wondefull X-mas! :)
  2. Every second between update, @Doomguy explode a guy by punching his testiculs. Please, think about the testicles and give us an update.
  3. please make it a full game download!!!!
  4. take care of yourself man, that a priority
  5. I'm an artist not a coder, that why... + I am totaly new to creating stuff for mugen.
  6. Hey guys, here what it looks like for now. The design going good but i really need help from someone to actualy make it a screen pack... Can't get it to work :(..... Marquee Title screen Character select : Vs screen :
  7. @Ultra Fatality, what kind of new KI you would like to make :) i think that would be a greath and fun way to make your game even more unique
  8. that only depend on the rooster you build for your mugen, i would play that hulkbuster character and probably use it as a main character in my marvels crossovers. Hulkbuster was always my favorite ironman.
  9. wow so cool :D! would love ot see a hulk buster full character
  10. Thx a lot! :) that a lot of help!
  11. Who have him? Someone know were i can get him? Who have him?
  12. wow look greath!
  13. wow i want!
  14. Hey guys this is my 1rst time trying to make a screenpack. the design is done but i can't find out how to code it. Someone want to help me? Here what it looks like :)
  15. I made plenty myself and shared some with friend, i just want to see and play ones made by others that are, for now, not posted on the full game page. :) Lets have fun and play!
  16. Hey guys, i want to see more of what you guys do, i bet some are VERY NICE! You chance to show the world. Post your full games and compilations.
  17. Hey guys, whats your favorite mugen full game? Can also be a compilation :). Poste a screenshot and links if you can.
  18. can you had new characters? i dont understand the instruction....
  19. should be made as a full game
  20. the link to the game is broken, can you fix it? i want to play that one bad :D
  21. wow nice 3D!
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