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Everything posted by zoukiny

  1. Most of the AVP characters that i found are on a 4 bt control. One of the edit I wanna do is to make them a 6 bt like the SF cast. I am stil, wondering what i could do with the xtra 2 bt...
  2. Thx guys, this will be a big weekend but i'll try to post screenshot of what i have done for now, and include a list of characters for the 1st version and what are my short tearm goals. I want to take it step by step to make it a fun game to play and a greath tribute to SF and AVP. And yep! i wanna learn http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png Ryon send me your msn by message i'll add you. I dont have a mike so it wil be better by msn.
  3. Ok let me get some of the questions. 1st of all let me say that i'm new to the mugen comunity so i still have lots to learn. So for the questions of Yuyustars : 1.is the screen pack and lifebar along with game over and intro is gonna be hand made by you? - Thats what i hope to do in the final, but for now i have no clue how to make screenpack or lifebar BUT i whant to learn to be able to do it. 2.is there any type of editing with ur project alone? - Some characters will be edited a little to balance the game, but i dont take any credits for the modified characters, they were made by other and i don't want to fake my way on their creations. 3. how we know if this not just another complication game? - I'll make a demo available when i get to a stage i am happy with, and post more details about it. 4.how big is this project gonna be? - I want 2 "full game relase". The 1st 1 will be the polished version of the demo, 24 characters (12 SF and 12 AVP), multiple stages, etc... The second one will have more characters (including 4 i would like to make, those would be my 1st try at making characters), some bonus games/stages and stages. 5.the Idea is nice but what other idea you have in mind? - I got some good stuff in mind for the "advence version" in mind but i dont want to speak to fast about them and find that i can't do them. 6.is there any type of original art to the game its self ? - The screenpack if i can get to make it, then in the "advence version" i want to make 4-5 characters including the 4 arms predator (from comics) and a Behemoth Xenomorph(inpired by Onos from Natural Selection). 7. how we know its wort the time to download if the game is not a complication game? -You guys will get to see vids and screenshots. For now i can say that blasting aliens and predators with Ryu is pretty fun http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png. You will get some epic fight like : Vega vs Mad predator, Linn Kurosawa vs Cammy, Akuma vs Queen. 8.is there gonna be any ending intro for each of the character' stroy background by beating the game? -Not in the 1st relace. Eventualy i'll learn how to make some and they will be in the advence version. Take as the evolution of street fighters games, 1st release then a better one made with what feedback i get. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  4. Hey guys, just wandering what is your favorite mugen character. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  5. Hi guys, i'm new here. I am starting a mugen game project : Alien vs predator vs Street Fighter 2. Seeing that the 2 games were made by Capcom around the same years, the graphics matchs. I'll take the characters and stages made by others (i dont take any credits for that) and build the game with that. I'll made some modifications on the characters so that the game is balance. The game will be made in 2 versions. I'll finish the 1st one before making the "advence" version. I'll post more details soon, and a demo too. Hope you guys will enjoy. === 1st version character list: Street fighter................ AVP Ruy...............................Dutch Akuma...........................Linn Guile.............................Marine with Powerloader Balrog...........................Predator Warrior Vega.............................Predator Hunter Bizon.............................Mad Predator Blanka...........................Alien Runner T. Hawk.........................Alien Drone Zangief.........................Alien Chrysalis Honda...........................Royal guard (Preatorian) Chunli...........................Predalien Cammy.........................Alien Queen ===
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