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Laharls NO NSFW and attack Patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?rodih8osrg30v1f


havnt tested it yet ...But Damn look at it ,cant believe how far mugen has come since the DOS days


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 



I just love when the author forgets to change the def file and leaves it as "elecbyte" rofl. also theres some NSFW in one of his intros he punches a naked karin and she falls on the floor to death. whats kind of annoying is the naked body STAYS there the whole fight. his damage is WAY to high but thats easy to fix lowering his overall attack power in his cns so hes actually well made but i could do without the naked chick that won't leave my screen rofl. *i dont mind but my sister comes down here often soooo yeah*



sooo for anyone whos interested I made a slight adjustment to MR M. Bison He had a pointless NSFW intro and it was annoying the naked dead karin would just lay there on the ground the WHOLE fight so I edited his cns to never include the intro and took out the nude sprites of Karin As well as lowered his attack a bit I posted the patch in the Starting topic download it and replace the old .cns with this one. I really dont mind nsfw but I have a sister and family that comes down here frequently so it could be a problem plus I prefer to keep it out of my mugen sooo. enjoy the patch to anyone who wanted this. IF there is something that seems off somewhere during your using of my patch please let me know its possible he has other intros with other chars that include a naked karin as well Let me know who he was fighting against or what happened exactly if you see some weird things.


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