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Guest dncelestinx96

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Phew! i'm safe then, thanks man. :=D:

:omg: Uhhh...wait..you mean that wasn't hypothetical?! Oh boy...

:angry1: Bullies are like pimple on the skin of my existance! I just want to bust them right in the HEAD!!!! No joke...

...one in particular comes to mind...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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It was at the end of the year last year back in my sophmore year.I got my permit to drive and I was gonna drive home that day.I see these jocks bullying some kid and his sister that were freshmen so I step out of my car and tell them to stop.I knew it wasn't going to work but these bitches don't know that I know Ju Jitsu and Kick Boxing.In the end I knocked them senseless.Me versus about 7 jocks and they go tell on me like little pussies.Thing is I am in the VERY good side with the principal.I made sure not to leave them scars so they can't prove shit either.They got told to leave the school grounds and got in trouble for trying to get me in trouble. :troll:


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It was at the end of the year last year back in my sophmore year.I got my permit to drive and I was gonna drive home that day.I see these jocks bullying some kid and his sister that were freshmen so I step out of my car and tell them to stop.I knew it wasn't going to work but these bitches don't know that I know Ju Jitsu and Kick Boxing.In the end I knocked them senseless.Me versus about 7 jocks and they go tell on me like little pussies.Thing is I am in the VERY good side with the principal.I made sure not to leave them scars so they can't prove shit either.They got told to leave the school grounds and got in trouble for trying to get me in trouble. :troll:

:goodmood: You're my hero...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I went through hell in grade 7 when some ass hat spread a rumor that I was gay, and because not many people understand homosexuality at that age, almost all the "popular kids" (or should I say douche bags and LGs) harassed to no end me over it. If that wasn't bad enough, this creepy bitch that was stalking me decided to spread a rumor that I was dating her, so if people weren't thinking I was gay, they were asking me about my so-called "love interest". What's worse is that I couldn't fight back against so many people, so I resorted to taking many "sick" days. Things we're also bad in grade 9 when I was trying to get into an outdoors program and the Vice Principal told my parents BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK that they don't want "people like me" in the program (I have high-functioning autism, but it's pretty much not noticeable). That bitch was lucky my parents didn't crack down on her and that I found out about that after the school year ended.


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Bullies can go fuck themselves... sorry for my language but that's my View on it. I can't stand someone picking on another kid just because he Different people really hope we can do something about these People. Its not fair to a kid that he gets picked on till the point of suicide

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I went through hell in grade 7 when some ass hat spread a rumor that I was gay, and because not many people understand homosexuality at that age, almost all the "popular kids" (or should I say douche bags and LGs) harassed to no end me over it. If that wasn't bad enough, this creepy bitch that was stalking me decided to spread a rumor that I was dating her, so if people weren't thinking I was gay, they were asking me about my so-called "love interest". What's worse is that I couldn't fight back against so many people, so I resorted to taking many "sick" days.

Things we're also bad in grade 9 when I was trying to get into an outdoors program and the Vice Principal told my parents BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK that they don't want "people like me" in the program (I have high-functioning autism, but it's pretty much not noticeable). That bitch was lucky my parents didn't crack down on her and that I found out about that after the school year ended.

I've got a 3 year old son with the exact same diagnosis. He's in the special needs class and he had a speech therapist. I thanks God for my son all the time. He doesn't need the therapist anymore and he'll be in a regular class next semester. You really can't tell he has it anymore...

Bullies are an abomination to society...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I've got a 3 year old son with the exact same diagnosis. He's in the special needs class and he had a speech therapist. I thanks God for my son all the time. He doesn't need the therapist anymore and he'll be in a regular class next semester. You really can't tell he has it anymore...

Bullies are an abomination to society...

Bullies are not an abomination to society.There is unfortunately very little about what we can do about it.Sure we can crack their skulls and force alot to not bully through any way possible but we can never remove them.Most bullies bully the weak because they have problems at home weather it be abuse by parents or they themselves are bullied.Bullying for them allows them to feel superior or important as having the ability to inflict harm or uncertanty in people is very pleasing to the weaker people.I am a born fighter.My dad taught me how to fight since I was very little but he also taught me manners.Never to abuse my stengths over others and I follow strict training from him still.He guides me through rights and wrongs and the day that incident happened where I defended those kids I got a good long lecture from my parents.I did the right thing in a possibly right way but I could have solved it better.Most parents aren't like my parents are.They could care less for their child and if their child feels neglected they will most likely bully other kids to make themselves superior.To feel as if they matter.To have someone listen to them.To stop bullying we need to make responsible parents.To make responsible parents we might need to violate their rights.They have the right to do what they want with their children even though alot of actions are punishable by law.As long as parents don't change their mindset and work towards raising their children responsibly then bullying will never cease to happen.


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I'm usually not judgemental, but this is a touchy subject for me. Though slightly different, our opinions are more or less the same. We can't get rid of them, so I plan on raising my kids to know right from wrong, practice kindheartedness but take NOTHING from NOONE! Use your words, but if they touch you, defend yourself. But no 2 sets of parents are exactly the same. Nor people for that matter...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Guest Arknard Sieghart

I went through hell in grade 7 when some ass hat spread a rumor that I was gay, and because not many people understand homosexuality at that age, almost all the "popular kids" (or should I say douche bags and LGs) harassed to no end me over it. If that wasn't bad enough, this creepy bitch that was stalking me decided to spread a rumor that I was dating her, so if people weren't thinking I was gay, they were asking me about my so-called "love interest". What's worse is that I couldn't fight back against so many people, so I resorted to taking many "sick" days.

Things we're also bad in grade 9 when I was trying to get into an outdoors program and the Vice Principal told my parents BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK that they don't want "people like me" in the program (I have high-functioning autism, but it's pretty much not noticeable). That bitch was lucky my parents didn't crack down on her and that I found out about that after the school year ended.

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Bullies dont exist where i live or at least thats what i know, back in the days when i was a young boy someone from my neighborhood used to bully me everytime he sees me in the street but the last time he got me really pissed...i didnt tell my parents about it cause i dont wanna bring ma problems to my family and i like to take my right by my hand. So one day that bastard was sitting and talking to his friends, laughting, chatting and knows nothing about whats gonna happen to him soon, i picked up a big rock from the ground, its weight was like 1KG and then sneaked behind him, smashed his head with everything i got and ran like hell. 2 weeks later that guy got recovred but with a big white bandanna on his head, i was walking alone and hes follwing me, i didnt know about it until he caught me from my neck, i looked back and saw him so i said thats it im dead, and i tell you he was a big dude a giant for real. He looked at me and said "hi man please dont do that again and i promise you i wont bully you ever again" and thats it, i was so happy cause i got away with it with no broken bones. Even kids can take of themselves here hehe.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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Cool, but for real. You don't beat a bully by joining them. Anyway, I had a guy cut me off then at the next traffic light we both got out of our cars. He came towards me and I just stood my ground. Next the guy tries to head butt me in the chest. I just stood there. He tried a second time and nearly knocked himself out. Then this funny 'scared shitless' look came over his face and he got smart enough to get back into his car and get away. Stuff happens.

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Thats what im saying, you beat the hell out of them if you have to... Dont get me wrong, bullies dont respect what you say especially when you're younger... so i had to do something about it, i hate them so i cant be one of them... I drunk alcohol just one time in my whole life when i was 17 or 18 and i regret it cause ive been a real bitch to someone in that day . but i fixed things between him and me next day, we're good friends till now (i despise the guy who insist to make drink that crap).



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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its not just one person anymore like it used to be .kids are bullying in groups over social networks getting in cliches , all types of nonesense . i think the worse thing i've ever done to a bully as a kid was stab him in the hand with a pen. that was in 5th grade and they treated me like i was the bad guy!!! this guy used to chase me home and i got tired of his shit. so i saw him in the hallway after lunch and started swinging on me and i let em have it and i mashed my pen into his hand til i saw blood. then i got kicked out of school and my mom had to move back to brooklyn. i told her straight up, that guy terrorized me and i did what you taught me. if there is someone bigger than me picking on me , use whatever you need to fuck his ass up!! and i'll tell my kids the same thing too and if their parents come at me sideways , i'll fuck them up too for raising an asshole who picks on the weak...


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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