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Schools Of Hard Knocks (Mugen 1.0) by Vegaz_P

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Greetings and salutations to you all. lol!

I've got some fresh hotness straight out the oven for ya! On original screenpack designed for school related characters. As usual, I tried a few new things on this go round. It's got the usual stuff: title, options, vs and victory screen. New to my repertoire: intro, edited lifebar. The intro consist of some of the various characters I had in mind when making this screenpack. The lifebar is Kohaku's Melty Blood lifebar, edited by me. Although my last screenpack had lifebars, I had no part in their creation, thus I merely released them and credited the author.

The soundtrack for the intro and victory is a sample from P.O.D.'s "School Of Hard Knocks" and the bgm for the select and vs is a "heavy metal" version of a tune MintJam(they are SOOOOO awesome) did for Big Bang Beat(The guy who composed this version is the same guy who did the title and select theme to my original CVS SWAG screenpack. Alpyne_D did the bgm to my "custom" version). The title and option theme is a the full P.O.D. song, but mixed by yours truly. 8)

The select, vs, lifebar and victory uses custom ports. The "smallport" are 9000,0 and their coords are -1,-1. The "bigport" is 9000,1 and it's coords are 0,0. The "FightTemplate" is for the lifebar. It's set at 9000, 19 and it's coords are 0,0. Included with the download is the small, big and lifebar ports for several of the Big Bang Beat characters. Also, there are lifebar ports included for Melty Blood characters courtesy of "Ultimi" at Mugen Free For All(where caring is sharing*shameless plug*)

I've got to thank MarkPachi, Alpyne_D and ZombieBrock for beta testing and feedback. Also thanks goes out to the author of the "Tayutama School STAGE" and The Kung Fu Man for his "Shodown" sprites.

Well that should do it for now. Feedback is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT on this one...

Update link added with new soundtrack by Alpyne_D


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Thanks, DL! I I wwasn't sure about this one, but I think I like the results...

any time bro i never download screenpacks the only one i really use is either eve or mugen free battle. but i do think its cool just wish you could make a patch for more slots then i might consider it have to have all the room for my roster
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any time bro i never download screenpacks the only one i really use is either eve or mugen free battle. but i do think its cool just wish you could make a patch for more slots then i might consider it have to have all the room for my roster

More slots, huh? Would you like it to still use custom ports or normal ports. And about how many slots?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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this looks really nice man, sorry i never got around to testing it & letting u know what i thought......shits just been hectic in RL is all , wont let ya down next time .. really like the life bars


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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this looks really nice man, sorry i never got around to testing it & letting u know what i thought......shits just been hectic in RL is all , wont let ya down next time .. really like the life bars

It's cool, Brock. You've got a family to feed and a business to run. I'm just glad you stopped by. Heh, I figured the lifebars would get your attention. Actually you can still help me. Could you make a video showcasing my screenpack? I got a request at the Guild, but I think I'll post it here as well. Or you could, if you have the time...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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i can but i cant record Audio........... im using the free version of Snaggit & for some reason i cant record auido, but if thats not an issue then sure man


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Realest, this shit looks awesome bruh, & tha LBs are on point. & now that i've seen it, i still might be able to scrap together somethin' to help a bit, if you'd like that is, & i'll give ya word later this week, if not sooner.

ey ZB, Realest & i know some1 that'll prob'bly be able to help you with that Snagit issue, so you should catch word real soon.....


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Heh, good ol' Alpyne. If by help you mean bgm's, then YES! A theme for then vs and the victory screen wide me nice. But if you talking about the video, then that would be awesome as well. Or... You could do both. Lol! You and I "know" someone? *he must mean "him"*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Looks good but the font of "round1" can be improved and there should be big portraits in the vs screen imo.

Thanks. I'm pleased with the round font, but I also considered making big ports for the vs screen. But I went with this theme instead. Maybe I'll incorporate both...

ok so are we waiting to make the video or should i go ahead and do that?

We'll wait a bit...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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:=D: Glad you like it, D-Cel!I actually did't discover Big Bang Beat until 3 years ago when I discovered mugen. I hear the source game was pretty broken, but I really like the mugen characters. And your boy Devil Daigo can put the hurt on his opponents pretty quickly.I really like his mutiple lazer move...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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It looks great. I think its a pretty neat theme. :3

:hi: What up, Blaz!? Thanks for the support. I've always liked the whole "high school brawl" themes. I spent entire weekends duking it out with my friends on Rival Schools. And I dig Melty Blood and Big Bang Beat...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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