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[Touhou Edits]Nuclear Cirno

The Magic Toaster

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Theres about two or three internet memes going on cirno related. The 9 symbol (Question I actually can't answer for some reason: I wonder how this became an internet meme D:), the baka meme (as Magic Toaster says, Cirno is an idiot), and the eye'm the strongest meme (I'm not sure if that one is a meme, though)

I am the MeeM

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Theres about two or three internet memes going on cirno related.

The 9 symbol (Question I actually can't answer for some reason: I wonder how this became an internet meme D:), the baka meme (as Magic Toaster says, Cirno is an idiot), and the eye'm the strongest meme (I'm not sure if that one is a meme, though)

There is 3 memes. Here let me give you some explanation.

1. 9 ball: In the manual for Phantasmagoria of Flower View, she is labeled as "9. baka" (⑨. バカ, lit. "9. Idiot") in an explanation of the game screen's layout. She was again labeled as such in the manual for Touhou Hisoutensoku. This might simply shows that Cirno maybe some kind of idiot.

2.Cirno is a idiot: Due to the infamous manual screenshot, Cirno has been nicknamed "Nine-ball" or simply "⑨". Cirno is known for her childishness (stupidity), so the term "Cirno" is often used instead of "baka" (バカ, "fool") as a joke in the Japanese Touhou community.

3.The strongest: Cirno's catchphrase in doujin works, "I'm the strongest!" (最強だし!), comes from her dialogue in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, in which she announces this in her scenario, while being everyone else's stage one boss. She also says it when winning against herself in Phantasmagoria of Flower View and Touhou Hisoutensoku, in which case she says (あたいったら最強ね!, "when it comes to me, I am the strongest!)


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There is 3 memes. Here let me give you some explanation.

1. 9 ball: In the manual for Phantasmagoria of Flower View, she is labeled as "9. baka" (⑨. バカ, lit. "9. Idiot") in an explanation of the game screen's layout. She was again labeled as such in the manual for Touhou Hisoutensoku. This might simply shows that Cirno maybe some kind of idiot.

2.Cirno is a idiot: Due to the infamous manual screenshot, Cirno has been nicknamed "Nine-ball" or simply "⑨". Cirno is known for her childishness (stupidity), so the term "Cirno" is often used instead of "baka" (バカ, "fool") as a joke in the Japanese Touhou community.

3.The strongest: Cirno's catchphrase in doujin works, "I'm the strongest!" (最強だし!), comes from her dialogue in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, in which she announces this in her scenario, while being everyone else's stage one boss. She also says it when winning against herself in Phantasmagoria of Flower View and Touhou Hisoutensoku, in which case she says (あたいったら最強ね!, "when it comes to me, I am the strongest!)


I am the MeeM

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