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Character Creation Tutorial Part 7 released!


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So i'm making a series of videos which more or less show you how to make a character. the first video is being processed and gonna be uploaded later on tonight. it shows how to find sprites, how to convert to 256 color, and how to rip them for your own use. as well as some mistakes on my end. the 2nd video (to come when i rip all the sprites) will be how to start building the SFF.

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Nice Baws, but dont half ass it like alot of people do when it comes to video Tutorials ,as in dont need to make 15 and make 4 ya see what i mean


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Great idea Ryon. Also, including a couple 'mistakes' is actually a good thing. Ain't ever been a creation without something that may not work one way but worth a try...

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Very cool, gonna give this a looksie in a bit , see this is the kind of learning i can do, hands on as if i was in the room with you showing me how to make a character


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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lol yah i remember that night on the phone ! when we were trying to set up my old site thru the old site, u were like so how did u come up with the name zombieBrock, i ummm like zombies & my names Brock :=D:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Keep it coming Ryon. But yeah, sprite sheets make it easier if available. Us 'old timers' didn't have them so we ripped straight from an emulator (or for Pioupiou's Picco and the early UB22 Mr. Satan) from plugging a console into a video capture card and then recording it (which may explain the 'crappy sprites' on some of the old chars). But really, sprite ripping is a lot of the real work in MUGEN creation. Coding and that stuff is kind of straight forward (tying in the sprite - sff - animation - air - commands - cmd - sounds - snd and the rest). As you know, once you get the framework done (the basics - punch, kick, stand, get hurt, etc.) then the rest is just 'add as desired' really. Good job so far Ryon (yes, I saw the flips, mirrors, and such to align the facing of the sprite). Keep it going...

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Definitely Ryon. It takes a certain kind of person that can relate to a wider audience (old and new). Keep up the good work all the way around.

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part 3 is coming as soon as i process and upload it, basically add some more sprites, show how to edit the air file properly, and easily, and by the end of the video, i have a completely working character, that has all basics and hurts, with no debug flood.

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part 4 coming tomorrow morning or tonight. depending on processing and uploading time. 57 minutes. I show how to code the animations for the basic attacks, how to set up the command file for basic attacks, how to actual do the states for the basic commands in the CNS file. By the end of the video Shelly will be able to attack with X and Y, and have Z, and air X Y and Z set up for there projectiles.

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