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Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3


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This game will fail..... They are rushing it and the fact that the subs and dick dashing is still in from generations does not help its case either.... It would be one thing if they kept the subs in but left the dick dashing out but I can't see them doing that. I can also see them just slapping new characters in with copys pasta movesets from other people exp being konan/mei

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I dont expect much..probably will be a rushed project like soul calibur 5, and will lack compared to the others. I cant say. but I was highly disappointed in the lack of characters in soul calbur 5, so...im iffy on newer games. Hell, seems like most games are rushed. Creators foucus too much on one part of the game, Soul calibur for example mainly focused on character creation, which is why we got three copy cat characters. All im saying is I wouldnt be suprised if this game lacks...I mean dont get me wrong it sounds pretty f**king cool, and it might turn out being better than 1 and 2 and generations, I cant say.....

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its gonna be better than generation the REAL boss fights are back generations had NONE D<. but this one oh man that fight right there shows a REAL boss fight im happy definitely getting this.


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Again it will be shit. 1. Dick dashing is still in. 2 Subs are the same. 3. You can awaken at the start of a match. 4. You can even awaken in the middle of a combo and maybe in the air during a combo supposedly..... 5. Won't be as many characters as people are hoping Might as well get ready for Generations 2 or Storm 4 LOL

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lol dash garbage? combos are shit? you mad bro? There is nothing wrong with the gameplay that is shown. Generations had a good fighting system with minor flaws. S3 has better graphics and looks smoother. Plus the combos were far from shit, they looked really nice IMO (especially Darui's)

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL >did not get what I was saying

Mind you this is just one of the comments I have got from many stupid people.

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