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The King of Fighters 3D Games (MI Series/XIV/XV)


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Although this series is more known for their 2D graphics, the jump to the 3D also have adaptations to MUGEN, so here I'll compile all the stuff from these games in a similar way that I did with Street Fighter. As always, any help is welcome!!

Red is Offline, Blue is edited/custom, Yellow is WIP, Green is another gameplay, Purple is for collection purposes only and * needs an image

See also: KOF: The Definitive Collection - Strikers Collection


3D Characters


The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact series

Kyo Kusanagi (Classic Kyo): Dragon972

Mai Shiranui: Dragon972


The King of Fighters XIV

Antonov: José Cuervo

Athena Asamiya: Jose Cuervo*

Chang Koehan: José Cuervo*

Geese Howard: José Cuervo

Iori Yagami: José Cuervo

K': Jose Cuervo*

Kim Kaphwan: José Cuervo*

Kula Diamond: Jose Cuervo*

Kyo Kusanagi: José Cuervo

Leona Heidern: José Cuervo*

Mai Shiranui: José Cuervo

Nakoruru: José Cuervo

Ryo Sakazaki: Jose CuervoFabricio Franco*

Terry Bogard: José Cuervo

XV athena 623a ima.pngXV Haohmaru 2c ima.pngXV iori 623a ima.pngXV joe 4b ima.pngXV Kula 214A ima.pngXV kyo 623a ima.pngXV goenitz 6321463214ac ima.pngXV Nakoruru fa ima.png15870.gifXV orugal 623d ima.pngXV shermie 2141236cd ima.pngXV terry 214b ima.png

The King of Fighters XV

Athena Asamiya: Jose Cuervo

Haohmaru: Jose Cuervo

Iori Yagami: Nostalgic / José Cuervo

Joe Higashi: Jose Cuervo / NostalgicFaber Player 

Kula Diamond: Jose Cuervo

Kyo Kusanagi: Jose Cuervo

Leopold Goenitz: BoyBoyz

Nakoruru: Jose Cuervo

Otoma=Raga: BoyBoyz

Rugal Bernstein: Jose Cuervo - BoyBoyz (Omega Rugal) / 碎梦丶菌

Shermie: Jose Cuervo

Terry Bogard: Jose Cuervo


Other characters

Shermie: QY China


2D Adaptations

3dr_alba.gifUTsQV37.giftLfIjJ7.gifvtPaJkX.pngKOF MI in CvS - Page 5 Cv-S-Chae-Lim-by-chuchoryurec_fio.gif3dr_jivatma.gif3dr_k.gif3dr_kyo.gif3dr_neville.giflien10.gif3dr_lilly.giflily_s14.gifluise.gifNinon_20720_thumb.gif.166290b12f07cf89bacpdLwgj.gifrec_wildwolf.gif

The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact series

Alba Meira: FZL-MGCoolLucas9999Duracelleur - mymugen - Crow

Athena Asamiya (Another): Haseeb Ahmed - Duracelleur / Vergil Kusanagi

Blue Mary (Another): TESTP & Jerzy - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ

Chae Lim: Ahuron & AmnaelioAnimugenZ  - Duracelleur / Chuchoryu (CvS)

Fio Germi (Metal Slug): Mr.S - DarkMiguel / Ainotenshi - Duracelleur / Chuchoryu (CVS) / io

Jivatma: ElGranEnigma119way

K' (Another): TheNightWalker & Le@n - Duracelleur - KamranBernstein / Ahuron / VELKA碎梦丶菌 (K' Thunder)

Kyo Kusanagi (MI2): TheNightWalker & Le@n / Ahuron (Incredible Power Kyo - AD Kyo-911) - Ð¡Âú (G_AD_Kyo) / BeppuDr.Flames / Zelgadis - HELL (Clone Kyo) / Ikaruga / Crow (K-AD Kyo) / 天天SY男 (Saint Kyo)Duracelleur / Ç³³ª¡¢ÄÇéäºÛ (Lethal Power Kyo) / jkluiop804 (Gorgeous Kyo) / Tin Tin / Tin, Passing & Desert Agent / CrisTian Adrian Yagami1 (Kusanagi CT) / keyser (Kyo Impact) / Unknown (Abyss Kyo)

Lien Neville: Nio, Riccochet & Thedge (KOF) - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ / ElGranEnigma (resprite) / Laslab Games (CvS)*

Lilly Kane (Billy's sister): Yumehiko / Ashina (Another)

Luise Meyrink: Blue Blood - Duracelleur - Flam

Nagase: Anmaelio*

Ninon Beart (Another): A A Z E

Soiree Meira: Dievil & Duracelleur

Wild Wolf (MI2): AhuronVergil Kusanagi - NightStalker / Ikaruga (EX Terry) (OldNew) / RMVGames / T-Alf / LASH (WW Lv3)RYO2005 (ROTD)

Xiao Lon: R.E.G. - Duracelleur*

5mrXd0I.gif1cJ4eHz.gifKAq0cI4.gifCvS Geese XIV sprite style Cv-S-Geese-by-chuchoryu-Tekken-7gbjHi56.gif15864.gifTamkZPz.gif17087.gifVWs95bG.png87LPHjl.gif

The King of Fighters XIV

Alice Garnet: Amnaelio (XIV - Another) - Duracelleur* / POKET && K99 (CvS)k6666orochi - Manson ReesInfinite (CvS) - darkorey8

Athena Asamiya: Winter - Duracelleur

Geese Howard: Chuchoryu (CvS)

Iori Yagami: YSP - Duracelleur / Unknown*

King of Dinosaurs: SeñorX & Duracelleur

Leona Heidern: Strong FS & Shirou Satoru

Shun'ei: Emperor (XIII) - King227 & Unclecatnvx / Emperor & Jjun Srr (XI) - 4LL3N, terryandyjoemarymai, OmegaMugener 775 & Night Stalker - AnimugenZ

Sylvie Paula Paula: KoopaKoot (AF char) / Amnaelio - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ

Tung Fu Rue: Anmaelio*

Zarina: Leyan


The King of Fighters XV

Chizuru Kagura: Strong FS & Andori Hana*

Dolores: Leyan*

Iori Yagami: Zelgadis - AnimugenZ - Gently

Kim Kaphwan: Strong FS*

Krohnen McDougall: Strong FS - Desadaptado

Kyo Kusanagi: Andori Hana

Rugal Bernstein: fxm508

Shermie: Strong FS*

Sylvie Paula Paula: Amnaelio*



MI Series: ElGranEnigma (MI2 Temple of Ruins, Grand Mosque)Dark Saviour (MIR:A Dragon's Lair) / Blue Blood & O Ilusionista (MI2 Sacred Garden)MIMCHOU (MI2 Sacred Garden) / Hiram Yagami (MI1 Infernal Gate) / Dragon972 (MI2 Dojo)

XIV: Rayzo (Training)Gatorision (3 stages) / IORIKYO (South Town - Great Wall - Industrial Area) / zero & master300 (5 stages)

XV: DarkMiguel (Final) / KenChris (Freezing Forest) / Chuchoryu (Strange Plateau) - DarkMiguel


Other MUGEN Stuff

Screenpacks: Rayzo (XIV, 1.0/1280x720) / HLoader (XIV, 1.0/640x480)

Lifebars: HLoader (XIV Trial, 1.0/1280x720) / Maycol001 (MI2, 1.0/640x480) / Mastyu (MI1, Win/640x480Nameless353, 1.0 / MI2, Win/640x480 / MIR:A, Win/640x480Nameless353, 1.0)

Patches: BoyBoyz (Fix patch for Cuervo's Antonov) / Joey S. (MI English voice for OHMSBY's Iori) / Macaulyn97 (MI2 voice patch for Fervicante's B.Jenet)

Portraits: Rayzo (XIV) / Miner500 (XV) / DatKofGuy (XIV) / Kaine (XIV)

Missing/To be made: Fullgames



Sprites: Mastertkof (XIV Angel) / Dievil (MI Soiree) / SeñorX (King of Dinosaurs)OphaR (XIII Alice Garnet)

Sounds: The Sounds Resource (MI1 - MI2 - MIR:A - XIV) / Loud Howard (MIR:A) / Riccochet (MI1-2 English Voices) / Jesuszilla (MI1 Kyo, Iori, Mai) / Edenbeast (MI2 English Voices)k6666orochi (XIV) / Miner500 (XV)

Music: Video Game Music (MI1 - MI2 - MIR:A - XIV (OST - DLC - NC) - XV (OST1 - OST2 - S1 - S2))

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Added both + found the original K' MI


Also I found a WIP of Ninon Beart (normal ver.), but since it's private and exclusive for a closed KOF fullgame, I won't add it here (so if you see her, don't mention it here unless it was leaked and made for normal MUGEN, you know)

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Alba Meira 2K2UM: https://www.4shared.com/rar/4STVdeL3ce/Alba_Meira_2k2_um.html

Alba by FZL-MGCool: https://www.4shared.com/rar/9poh5739/ALBA_MEIRA_KOF_XI_-MI2.html

Alba KOFM: https://www.4shared.com/rar/aRixJAnoce/Alba_Meira_KOFM.html

Alice Bogard by Yuri Gouki: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q03a5o1roe1d1qy/alice_bogard1.3.rar

Alice kof remake SLC by Amnaelio: https://mega.nz/file/zhkAHB6S#tKHAInIFoYGjzfDV2B9ARNolmWTG2e8tiEWtfq_sJcs

Alice by G-bit: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cvs-alice-22886759

Alba by Crow: https://www.4shared.com/rar/9poh5739/ALBA_MEIRA_KOF_XI_-MI2.html
Athena by Haseeb Ahmed: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8vdylpsvldvj422/Athena-Mi.rar
Chae lim PATCH by IKARUGA: https://www.4shared.com/rar/PYnVzfRUiq/Chae_lim_PATCH_by_IKARUGA.html
Chae Lim by Duracelleur: https://www.4shared.com/rar/4i5sk_i6ea/chae-lim-KOFM.html
Clone Kyo by Hell: https://www.mediafire.com/?yylitp0yag28fcw
Lien by GranEningma: https://www.4shared.com/rar/Lc4F6B49/Enigma_Lien.html
Lien UM: https://www.4shared.com/rar/myIrmJZT/Lien.html
Luise by Glasses: https://www.4shared.com/zip/2FpLeP6-ce/Luise.html
Luise UM: https://www.4shared.com/rar/O1YgXuZWca/Luise.html
Wild Wolf by Lash: https://www.mediafire.com/?dtuta8d8pqws8uv
Xiao Lon by R.E.G.: https://www.4shared.com/rar/ynu2M4nGea/Xiao_Lon-KOFM.html
Sacred Garden by Ilusionista: https://brazilmugenteam.com/download/kof-maximum-impact-2-luise-meyrink/

Luise stage by Mimchou: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/luise-meyrinks-stage-mimchou-version-131282.0.html

AOF Dojo MI by Dragon972: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=1183DD78C416808C!979&cid=1183DD78C416808C

Obs: King of Dinossaurs by SeñorX is not a char, it's only a spritepack release for him in MA.

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