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Super Street Fighter 2 Continiuum Shift Turbo Alpha Arcade HD Remix 13


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Here comes the new exciting version of Street Fighter continuing the storyline and exciting gameplay. Everyone will have a JIZZ FEST when they look at all of there characters in new versions. it plays like SF but with a new mechanic...MEGA BARS. thats right just like the Ultra system this new MEGA system will only fill up when ur about to die. instead of pulling off a special attack you regain the health u just lost. and fuck the focus attack now try the NOOB ATTACK. where every attack you parry you gain an EX bar. but thats not all, we tried to make the game as casual and broken as possible.


- Virgin Ryu

- Brokeback Mountain Ken

- Busty Chun-Li

- Hip Hop Guile

- Viagra Dhalsim

- PowerThirst Zangief(hes twice as buff then before) with super armor and HULK mode

- E. Nissan(skinny E.Honda)

- King Hippo Blanka

- John Redcorn

- Overdose DeeJay

- Prostitute Cammy

- Fat Ass Fei Long

- White Balrog

- Gay Vega

- Emo Sagat

- Milkman Bison

- Outcast Sakura

- Weed Smokin Rose

- Depressed R.Mika

- Devil Charlie/Nash

- Overdose El Furte

- Slutty Viper

- Raping Abel

- Ultra Hakan(twice as fast then before)

- Claw Akuma(similar to claw iori)

- GouGen( Fusion of gouken and Gen)

- DBZ Dan

- Broke Karin

- Prison Bitch Cody( hes now low teir)

- Naruto Guy( wears might guys clothes in his DLC)

- Sasuke Ibuki

- Kakashi Geki

- Transgender Makoto( works for poison)

- Rookie Dudley

- Futanari Juri

- Return of SKullomania

- UMvC3 Mike Haggar

- Stone Cold Hugo Austin

- Viagra Necro

- U

- Twelve with tits

- OLDMEN( fusion of Gen+Gouken+Oro+Akuma)

- Devil Gill( plays like devil jin) still can ressurect tho

- Spring Break Elena( she wears sonething siimilar to felicia)

- Mario Yun

- Luigi Yang

- Coming Out The Closet Remy

- Lesbo Juri and Juni( vice and mature costumes as DLC)

- M.O.D(Oni+Seth+Urine)

all coming soon

Pre order now and recieve the following characters

- Awsome Omega Shin Evil Ryu

- Tsurdere Sakura

- Dead or Alive Chun Li

- Horny "Psychofucker" Bison

- PG Scorpion(PS3 Exclusive)

- Un Employeed Megaman(PS3 Exclusive)

get the game for $69.99

$120.99 for the Collectiors edition which contains Ecchi pics of your favorite street fighter charcacters and a Ragna Statue



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Thats Right folk now be prepared for GOLD EDITION!!!!!!!!!! Now with new character updates and new characters we decided that it will be best for our fans to make another version that couldve been DLC. yes we rubbed our dicks in DLCs face and told it fuck you another disk it is go get a job n00b. but anyway here are the new features:

-Manly Tournament mode

-Beer Jug Mode(instead of hitting all the barrels you drink beer out of them)

-Resisting Arrest Mode

-UmvC3 mode

-AStral Heats(every charcater now has an astral heat)(PG scorpion's however is now a Fatality)

-Desperation Move

-and now Kinect/eyetoy/xbox cam compadiable so now you can show your dick to the person your fighting just like UNO or Chat Roulette

and now 4 teh new charcaters

-Lawsuit Man(megaman in a suit and phenoix wright gayplay)

-Gagna the Bloodedge

-Bang Shemalegami

-Noel with implants

- Kyo Kusunagi(he now puts fire in your ass)

-weaker Iori( now hes weaker than dan)

-Slutty Leona

-Marcus Fenix


-Terumi and Ash Gay couple tag team

-Sol Fuckguy

and MOAR!!!!

pre order now and you will get out most excusive character....

BOBRUFUS. Yesh Bob from tekken 6 and rufus from SF are now fused together with 50 pounds moar weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and 3 lbs of weed

get ur copy TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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and this game's going to be what like 7 discs? also i don't think there is any chance of SNK teaming up with Capcom after what happened to them with CvS2, Arc Systems don't collab with any other fighting companies because their fighters have too much of a different fighting system. i know this is make-believe but it just seems like a waste of time to me, although i do agree that Capcom's Super Ultimate Ed's are getting out of hand but ppl buy them still and thus the reason why they continue release those said editions; furthermore the reason why they had so much different editions is because ppl played them in arcades.



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]

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...I kinda wanted to see Prostitute Cammy...


"We're forgotten in times of peace. Its only when war looms are we remembered."

  • Alpyne_D: troll some schools
  • Alpyne_D: teachers be on the prowl
  • Vegeta: Did you just insinuate I become a pedophile?
  • Alpyne_D: i speak from experience
  • Vegeta :So you're a pedophile and you want me to be one
  • Alpyne_D: TEACHERS, YOU TWIT!!
  • Vegeta: :troll:
  • ReigiOzora18: lmao

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such dramatics. i heard a rumor about there bein' an upcomin' DLC/Disc add-on, Xtreme GTA Solid Edition, that it'll add 6 & 1/2 new game modes & over 20 new characters, includin' Carl Johnson, Pigsy, Lance Vance, Jimmy Hopkins, James Earl Cash, Catalina [& her ball-cut moves], & Tommy Vercetti, who comes with the "Gangs Of Vice City" specials & supers [includin' 6 different levels for the Law Enforcement specials/supers], available for DLC at $10 a pop, or $57 for the whole "Gangs" pack [does NOT include the "& the Law won" special/super set, which costs an additional $7 per level, but must be bought as a whole bundle].


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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