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Do you ever raise attack power?


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Do you ever raise attack power?

I don't really like to raise a characters attack but there's a character I startled using who has 50 attack. With only 50 attack characters with AI hard will live longer and making the match more luck based. I'm about to raise it to 100.

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 Very rarely since it's almost never needed and the only time I've done it is raising Attack for Sennou-Room's Eri Hasumi by 10% since her combos don't pack even a moderate punch by default (all considering she can be a little lacking in tools compared to his other Sennou creations).

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The character I startled using is Lily White by Hetyo. I think the reason why her attack is low because in Touhou the fairies are weak. The author was probably trying to be accurate to the series. But not everything source accurate is fun in mugen. I still managed to defeat Daiyousei by nns but only one round. I'll see how it goes when I raise Lily's attack later.

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I just find it much easier to simply leave the attack and defense values at 100. If you really want greater control over the damage output, just alter the values of the hitdefs & targetlifeadd controllers manually, and the defence stat is kind of redundant when you can simply alter the Life value like most games do.

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I sometimes lower the Attack for "Kinda" balance reasons, i mean, some characters are just way too combo heavy compared to others, let´s say Melty Blood vs Street Fighter--- Yeah, Melty blood characters are faster with combos that could take the 100% of the life so... Not sure if that makes sense.

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