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Fixed Menu Items

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Site: http://lordmikehnk.blogspot.com/


By lordmike

It's been way too long since my previous update...

What's new:

update 1/21/12

-fixed Mr.Heart's "iteyooo" gauge bar (well, kinda)

-fixed Mr.Heart's Fatal KO screen: now it won't repeat itself over and over when he wins while in Super ITEYO mode

-enhanced Mr.Heart's hitsparks

-added specific gethit anims for all hokuto chars while Hato-sama slams them to the wall; other chars will still have generic gethit anims (5012 i think)

-added a few missing sprites for YUDA_31 (for Komaku's branding)

-added and improved Thouther_31's phoenix sparks for his fatal ko (thanks to cyanide for helping me with the math equasion that got the sparks to expand)

-added a few missing sprites to Jagi's Fatal KO attack background

-changed renzo's screenpack in an attempt to recreate the original Arcade screenpack, i think it looks decent

-added the possibility to change the music from the original to the hokuto musou remix for every char - to do so, just open the char's def file and select the one you prefer.

-eliminated Mamiya's cheapness: she won't recover life over and over again, she won't stop losing life while she IS being hit

-added JUDA-(NERICYA) again in the roster mainly for Nericya's AI which was very good; and with that i've updated that Juda with new sprites, anims, sounds and effects

-theoretically, the game won't crash now in the arcade mode saying "error loading char.sff"

Do the gold text to reposition and fix the menu items look on the title screen.

;Title screen definition

[Title Info]

fadein.time = 10

fadeout.time = 10

menu.pos = 320,225

menu.item.font = 7,0,0

menu.item.active.font = 9,0,0

menu.item.spacing = 0, 21

menu.itemname.arcade = "ARCADE"

menu.itemname.versus = "VS MODE"

menu.itemname.teamarcade = "TEAM ARCADE"

menu.itemname.teamversus = "TEAM VS"

menu.itemname.teamcoop = "TEAM ALLY"

menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "SURVIVAL ALLY"

menu.itemname.watch = "WATCH MODE"

menu.itemname.survival = "SURVIVAL"

menu.itemname.training = "TRAINING"

menu.itemname.options = "OPTIONS"

menu.itemname.exit = "EXIT"

; These parameters define the window in which the items are visible

; in.

menu.window.margins.y = 18,3 ;320,10

menu.window.visibleitems = 7 ;11

menu.boxcursor.visible = 0

menu.boxcursor.coords = -48,-10,47,2





"Learn to practice until you practice what you learn" - My Mentor

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