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Larfleeze by alejandro iaccarino (12/25/2016)

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Have you guys found any viruses in this? My computer absolutely REFUSES to let me download it. Windows Defender immediately deletes it, claiming there is a Trojan within. This is not your typical Chrome nonsense, it seems like there might actually be something to it. I have seen problems with MMV releases in the past. Anyone else seeing anything?

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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Hmm...could it be a 4shared thing? Could you do me a HUGE favor and send it to me? Pretty pleased with sugar on top?

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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First I want to state that I don't know if this is beta or finished. If beta, the issues are excusable since it's not finished but if it's finished, it needs more work in that case. Here's my review...


Visually it has a lot of work done and it looks like an original base edit of some kind. Custom voice acting and intro, original moves, and it has some great visual fxs.


I did notice some missing sounds though, unfortunately though hopefully this is just from an outdated video and not in this release. The pallete could be refined/redone as it hurts the blending of MvC style and perhaps the overall speed could be increased?


I think it's a good release so far though. It just needs an update but the quality is pretty much there. It just missed a few areas to refine.


Also i saw get hits in the video. Were the missing in the release? Or did you mean not enough frames because that I can somewhat agree on.


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On 12/29/2016 at 6:33 PM, SSBK65 said:

If you don't have him already: https://yadi.sk/d/PNsUK-__35r3pM

Thank you! I did not have him, I guess it was 4shared. There was definitely a trojan attached, I have it quarantined still. If I wasn't such a huge Green Lantern fan I wouldn't have bothered, Alejandro's past releases have all been pretty bad. But these sprites do look pretty good, so it's worth a shot. I already know the coding will be poor at best, but you can tell he put in a lot of time and effort into these sprites. Larfleeze might actually be salvageable with some editing. We'll see. Anywho, thank you again SSBK65, you're the shiznit!

"Exterminate all rational thought...that is the conclusion I have come to."

 - William S. Burroughs


sigil triple seven - the debut ep - coming soon - the comix 'zine - drunk squid

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