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Gouken by Infinite, edited by Varo_Hades (10/31/2016)


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Varo's words

-Custom anims like shocking.
-I forgot in the video change the portrait and win portrait but I changed.
-Fixing a problem with one special move while is custom combo actived.
-Separation of the modes, normal gouken, ex gouken.
-Changing the sparks like Pots gameplay, no chain combos, sounds based on pots gameplay.

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21 hours ago, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ said:

I just had an epiphany. Gouken was real!


Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

RIP Kimbo Slice

Really enjoy Kimbo, still won't believe that he died too soon. :(

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