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Dark Cyclops by volzilla released (11/04/2016)


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Pfff, it's just Reza's Cyclops, with supermystery's AI, different pallete, different Hyper Combo Port and a crap CLSN. ¬¬

I prefer still waiting for Angelus_Silverhead's Phoenix Force Cyclops.


And it seems that the reception of "Dark" Cyclops in MMV isn't so good.



Volzzilla's reply.



Even Yolomate, a fella of mine that did an edited screenpack with me long time ago, doesn't enjoy this "edit" at all.


Volzzilla's reply.



It seems that some good people that still in MMV starting to open their eyes.

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6 minutes ago, {C.R.O.M.} Skorp said:

It's truly sad that people honestly believe that my honesty is so harsh over there....smh i can't help the fact that i keep it real when it comes to feedback always have and always will.

Don't worry Skorp, some MMV people still thinking that someone that doesn't like a char from MMV is a "bully".


1 hour ago, Lord M said:

Volzilla must be joking. Download it to find what? Stupid damage and messed up stuff? How is that an edit worth calling a new character?

It's not even an edit after all. And saw the MMV topic once more, some people starting that "don't insult, don't disrespect, blah blah blah" bullshit.
And not only me, but i see that many others prefer waiting for Angelus_Silverhead's Phoenix Force Cyclops, but it seems that Angelus is on hold/hiatus.

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1 hour ago, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ said:

Lets not turn this into a witch hunt. Just say what would fix it. Maybe he'll take the new specs and plug them in. Telling him he sucks isnt going to fix the shit, lining out the specs to fix it will.

Oh trust me..we did..but he refused to listen and instead threw a huge hissy fit about everyone's feedback and started deleting posts and sending PM's to everyone. That site truly turned into a dictatorship.



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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Well if people just scream stupid or disgusting or just be dipshits, I could see why he did it. But if people are like, "hey change the sprites", or "try adding this in." Or "hey, can I give it a few changes and we can work together on it?" something like that. If they were professional about it, then thats no way to act. None at all.

But like i said, calling stuff stupid, or ugly, or shit, or disgusting...thats just insulting the thing. But if people just say "x is broken, here's how you fix x." and leave it at that, then thats cool.


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43 minutes ago, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ said:

Well if people just scream stupid or disgusting or just be dipshits, I could see why he did it. But if people are like, "hey change the sprites", or "try adding this in." Or "hey, can I give it a few changes and we can work together on it?" something like that. If they were professional about it, then thats no way to act. None at all.

But like i said, calling stuff stupid, or ugly, or shit, or disgusting...thats just insulting the thing. But if people just say "x is broken, here's how you fix x." and leave it at that, then thats cool.

what there saying is he is no different from a few creators who does get great feedback but never seem to apply it rather then saying thank you to each one he bans them or at least they use to

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10 hours ago, Darklight said:

what there saying is he is no different from a few creators who does get great feedback but never seem to apply it rather then saying thank you to each one he bans them or at least they use to

YES! That's exactly what happened..he tried to chew out everyone who gave positive feedback on the post only because he felt butt hurt that no one liked his work...then he ended up getting a few kiss asses to tell him how "awesome" it is. smh[/color]



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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I saw the posts. It wasn't an explosion. He kept screaming people should try it before shooting it down.

But hey man, if your video shows people exactly what they are getting, they have a right to dislike it or not. You don't knock the customers for complaining about seeing you put mustard on their hot dog when they dont like mustard. I know several creators who have videos that people could shoot down, but the gameplay shows off what people want. And Im not talking about CvS clones, Im talking guys that a lot of people hate and a lot more like.

So lets chill about Volzzilla and another website, and keep the discussion on the character or move on to something else. Its a cheap pal swap. Dude screamed he wanted everyone to try it first when the video gives away what it is. We get it. 1,000 posts about how the dude had a meltdown is getting kind of redundant. And I dont even use big words like that.


2ndly = somone link up the skunk woman please. Request section is still down.


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13 hours ago, Hyoudou Issei said:

so basically this thing is a silly mini edit black pallete of cyclops such shame man 



yet some people still blind praising it....


You find blind praising at every site, except 2 I can think of. This is one of the two. And no, MFFA isnt friends with the other one.


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Why are people still joining MMV these days

Any unfavorable feedbacks results a PM from volzzilla telling you to stfu then he'll proceed to ban you if you don't comply

The forum's interface is waaaaaaay too outdated, if we were still in 2006 then I wouldn't have any problem with it though

Any shitty release will always be congratulated, even if it's really bad


I remember once somebody posted my OC's WIP thread on that site without asking for my permission and he even gave my OC moves that were never planned to be included


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33 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

Why are people still joining MMV these days

Any unfavorable feedbacks results a PM from volzzilla telling you to stfu then he'll proceed to ban you if you don't comply

The forum's interface is waaaaaaay too outdated, if we were still in 2006 then I wouldn't have any problem with it though

Any shitty release will always be congratulated, even if it's really bad


I remember once somebody posted my OC's WIP thread on that site without asking for my permission and he even gave my OC moves that were never planned to be included

there not the only site that does this

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I only joined cause they are more about comics then any other character subject. And some of the people there i'm really cool with like: Uncle O,Doom,Logansam,Zox,Dynatron,Alice(I love Alice),Arkady,ELECTRO And a few others Volzzilla is the only one i butt heads with.



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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7 hours ago, I-Skorp-I said:

I only joined cause they are more about comics then any other character subject. And some of the people there i'm really cool with like: Uncle O,Doom,Logansam,Zox,Dynatron,Alice(I love Alice),Arkady,ELECTRO And a few others Volzzilla is the only one i butt heads with.

Yep, MMV had some cool guys around, but sadly some few others not.
And @I-Skorp-I, it seems that you lost your status on MMV, just like they did with me and some others. :P

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