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https://www.dropbox.com/s/mo5uw6klp07xdsp/Endings by Hanzo.rar?dl=0



Hanzo said =

Note 1: The endings UMK3 were not made by me, I just edited it and improved it.

Note 2: All other endings, I made based on the stories of the MK franchise, and in my own ideas. I am not fluent in English. so please, if it have some mistakes, reconsider! Or, correct them and send me the files corrected in pcx! I will be very grateful and give credit to those who corrected it!

Note 3: Because the file is a little big, put it in Dropbox.
Who want and can, may make a mirror!


Endings in Style MK3  FOR ALL CHARS of MKP Borg, including those unofficial as Quan Chi, Ruby, Jarek and even the future char, Kotal Kahn!



Have you ever considered using animated scenes from the games/movies/shows to make an ending?


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

2 hours ago, Doomguy said:

Have you ever considered using animated scenes from the games/movies/shows to make an ending?

I can make picture storyboards, I learned from shaka181. I made ones for Apocalypse, One Punch Man, Alucard, Luffy, Zoro, Beerus, Shuma Gorath, Dracula, Mummy, Wolfman, Heihachi, Yujiro, LaQuisha, Dashie Raiden, Dashie Goro, Dashie Shao Kahn, Goku Abridged SSJ9K. But that's it. All with Shaka's blessings, of course. They are at Mugen Archive, but maybe I can bring them over here.


I do not know how to make animated intros. Jordon Vang was going to make me one for my screenpack I think, it's this sick scene from World Star. But I havent heard from him since his ability to upload was cancelled.


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