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What template should I use?


2 answers to this question

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Kung Fu Man.


There are no SNK styled templates and most of the others that are available are poorly coded. You'd be better off starting with KFM as a base. Once you've settled in and really started coding, look at the code of the characters who utilize the style you want for reference when incorporating it into your own character.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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As said above, it's best to use Kung Fu Man for your base. It can be a hassle to remove things you don't need (Leftover moves and sprites for example), but it's still one of the easiest ways to start a character.

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