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The Role-Play Paradise: THE SITCOM!

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M59aTXwiw300fZYnYc12TCUDEXrRq7tBesEnUPYG Tommy: Oh, in that case, I guess I technically forgive you, even though you really didn't do anything bad...


s2GgMfvdVzUfUdqSexezmnXpUOJl-gelRtuphbwA Tommy: If I were you, I'd actually be considering myself fairly lucky right now... not like you were in any danger in the first place.

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s2GgMfvdVzUfUdqSexezmnXpUOJl-gelRtuphbwA Tommy: Oh, things have gone great!


s2GgMfvdVzUfUdqSexezmnXpUOJl-gelRtuphbwA Tommy: Although, Tommie is still attempting to sell random things he found to other people... it's kinda depressing if you think about it. So much useful money, wasted for such petty things just so they can get paid with dog residue... sad, isn't it?

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On 6/3/2016 at 10:41 AM, NijikakuFan61 said:

oU_i77Uz-_br4VRKjDUOrcM8iWV2AfGkCncUM0Wa Tommy: Well, at least he isn't Ryuji-levels of insane.


oU_i77Uz-_br4VRKjDUOrcM8iWV2AfGkCncUM0Wa Tommy: But still, he's a pretty delusional CENSORED either way.

NtutHXe.pngI can already tell how he took care of you and...did you have any cousins?

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oU_i77Uz-_br4VRKjDUOrcM8iWV2AfGkCncUM0Wa Tommy: ...There aren't any Dorothy clones out there, really.


oU_i77Uz-_br4VRKjDUOrcM8iWV2AfGkCncUM0Wa Tommy: Mainly because my father trusted me more. But then again, my father was a CRAAAAAZY bastard anyways


MEANWHILE, IN G.T's room...


jo9H7YBjRYLmVeYTjJpbOkgfathjQtEBlbwZegIQ G.T: Oh, dear dope mercy, I be thinkin I just hit tha fuckin' jackpot son! 600 dollars up in less then a DAY!

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jo9H7YBjRYLmVeYTjJpbOkgfathjQtEBlbwZegIQ G.T: Oh, fo'sho, I be there, what tha fuck is it, biatch? If itz bout some scrilla-makin ideas, then I be bout ta definitely open tha door!


G.T kissed his scrilla, then opened the door. His room was FLOODED with money.

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