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On 2/25/2016 at 8:30 PM, Ryon said:



...... Hmm so it looks like the plan to add Ads has failed...... :-P




Ok it looks like its about time.....................




Ryon give me a P.M. when you get the chance Man..




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Ok, if no one else is stepping up I'll fund this shit for a year.

@Ryon get at me so we can talk transfer and details when you get a chance :)

(Just a heads up, I work about 60-70 hours a week right now and me and my gf are in the middle of moving, so I apologize in advance if I'm a little slow getting back, but I will.)



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6 hours ago, RobotMonkeyHead said:

Ok, if no one else is stepping up I'll fund this shit for a year.@Ryon

I was considering doing so but unless you want to work together on this then we can if you want to... :-P


We just going to talk to Ryon


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Due to tax returns I can haggle with you guys this.


I can pay for 1 year of Hosting (150) which will allow us to be around till March 2017.

I will give ownership to both of you and you can both split the bills in half?

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1 hour ago, Ryon said:

Due to tax returns I can haggle with you guys this.


I can pay for 1 year of Hosting (150) which will allow us to be around till March 2017.

I will give ownership to both of you and you can both split the bills in half?

I would agree with this :-)




 I know you busy right now but..What do you think? sounds like a good plan to me:goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I like it.  A lot.  It's much easier on both of us financially, plus I think we'll make a really solid team.  You're all over this forum and I'm pretty good with technical and artistic stuff.  That's the feeling I get anyway, I say let's go for it.

And thanks for covering the year @Ryon, that's pretty freakin awesome.

18 hours ago, Galvatron said:

don't worry it won't. 




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8 hours ago, RobotMonkeyHead said:

I like it.  A lot.  It's much easier on both of us financially, plus I think we'll make a really solid team.  You're all over this forum and I'm pretty good with technical and artistic stuff.  That's the feeling I get anyway, I say let's go for it.

Awesome! I think so too :OhYeah:


I believe we can keep MFFA running from here on end. This place has alot great people I hate to see this community go down.



I probly said it already but Thanks man! for everything you did for this forum and also managing it financially. I know you have family and and real life business  to take care of now. Me and RobotMonkeyHead should be able to take care of this site when April comes. :-)


We just have to make sure we are registered to invision power service before that time comes.


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as I said in the PM you do not have to register to IPB.

I give you my log in info (which I can change before I give it to you) and from there you pay.


Also if you miss the payment in April, the board will still work, you just won't have technical support (like for instance if the chatroom breaks, they will fix it for you).

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5 hours ago, Ryon said:

as I said in the PM you do not have to register to IPB.

I give you my log in info (which I can change before I give it to you) and from there you pay.


Also if you miss the payment in April, the board will still work, you just won't have technical support (like for instance if the chatroom breaks, they will fix it for you).

[read the P.M.]

Got it! :goodmood:


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- This is Great News, Ryon, Galvatron, and Robot Monkey! I'm glad you all can help this site stay Alive! I try to help out with donatations as much as I can! To help out in this Awesome Cause I will donate $20.00, to the MFFA! I hope this can help with the fees! MFFA  has really helped me learn about making games for the computer and I've never took any techincal classes relating to video games or even Programing! Also I'm glad to meet Awesome Members here on MFFA and also help Members find Awesome characters and stages in the Request Section! Ryon and everybody here on the MFFA... Yall have done an Awesome Job making this website for everyone around the world to learn the art of 2D and 3D gaming! Sharing is Caring! Stay Cool, Yo!

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On 2/28/2016 at 11:13 AM, Ryon said:

Also if you miss the payment in April, the board will still work, you just won't have technical support (like for instance if the chatroom breaks, they will fix it for you).

Ok, that's good to know.  It shouldn't be a problem tho, I'm just going to auto pay it annually anyway.  I'm actually looking forward to the tech support.  I've been studying HTML, PHP, and CSS a bit and I want to see how accessible the sites code is to me in case we end up wanting to tweak some details or something.  Eventually if I can get comfortable with it to a point where we don't need (at least constant) tech support anymore, that could be a pretty nice financial lift off our shoulders.

Man, I hear you.   Ryon really has built the foundation of an awesome fucking community here.  There are soo many cool people and so much hard work in art and coding, so much beautifully organized Fucking Sweet mugen content on this forum it would just suck beyond measure to see it go down.  Thanks for helping foot the bill man, it really does help :)



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I feel ya too don't like too see a community like this to go down especially since Ryon build it up from the beginning and with soo many good people to hang with and learn about mugen I just can't let fall down and it will be devastating. we are glad that you are helping out with this Man! and thats Awesome! :-) 


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- MFFA for the Win, Yo! I'll help to contribute as much as I can.  Also how much are each of you two putting towards the balances. Maybe I can help out on part of it to limit the Burden. Like a three person team you know. Ryon, Galvatron, or RobotMonkeyHead. Send me a personal message and I'll see what part of the balance I can contribute.

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