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Darkstalkers vs. Street Fighter =for the DSvSF Project= by TryPysyat & Me *UPDATED!*


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The waiting is finally over!

Here it is the DSvSF screenpack for the official project. :)
Any details check here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/darkstalkers-vs-street-fighter-159216.0.html

TryPysyat give me permission to rework with one of the screenpacks of him, that fit well to do a DSvSF screenpack.
Them, i did a lot (really, A LOT!) of things with the help of Gabito23, the guy that did the first DSvSF screenpack,
and AVPboy6754, the CEO of the project.

Well, here is what the screenpack had:
- Two logos (CAPCOM logo made by Gabito23 and the DSvSF logo made by AVPboy6754)
- Character select with 110 slots (60 normal and 50 secrets)
- Animated VS. Screen
- Lifebars made by AVPboy6754
- Announcer voice from Super Street Fighter IV
- Soundtrack by WizzyWhipitWonderful

I think that some things are missed, especially a Victory Screen. :P

That's all for now.



Sorry for the long delay with the update sharing, solving some real life troubles. XD
Well, here is the Update Log:
- Color of the name fonts in the character and versus screens changed and fixed.
- Some minor bugs in the lifebar fixed.
- Now we have FOUR Announcer options (maybe i'll add more in the next update :P):
* Vampire/Vampire Savior
* Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
* Marvel vs. Capcom
* Super Street Fighter IV
- And finally we have a VICTORY SCREEN!! (it's not kinda complete, but here it is!)




New Version / Old Version (File name is "DSvSF-screenpack")

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Wow! that awesome! gue0007 :-D

....but did somebody did a screenpack theme like this before around back during the old DOS/WinMugen era or was that a wip? :-P

Thanks bruh. :)

Gabito23 did a winmugen DSvSF screenpack before and i use some elements of this screenpack, with the permission of him of course.

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Thanks bruh. :)

Gabito23 did a winmugen DSvSF screenpack before and i use some elements of this screenpack, with the permission of him of course.

Oh cool! now I remember. Thanks! So Gabito23 still hanging eh?.... that nice to know. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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  • 3 months later...


Sorry for the long delay with the update sharing, solving some real life troubles. XD
Well, here is the Update Log:
- Color of the name fonts in the character and versus screens changed and fixed.
- Some minor bugs in the lifebar fixed.
- Now we have FOUR Announcer options (maybe i'll add more in the next update :P):
* Vampire/Vampire Savior
* Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
* Marvel vs. Capcom
* Super Street Fighter IV
- And finally we have a VICTORY SCREEN!! (it's not kinda complete, but here it is!)


Download in the first post.

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