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Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Black chaos

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Lawl his priority is the devil's bawls in god's court. They don't go anywhere. Lawl Tohno that super has a gap every time she changes element, go to training, do it, and watch the character come out of block stun. Hell set CPU to attack and you'll see it. Also that was his level 3, the best fucking super in the game. Now Tohno can you tell Ryon that Phoenix Wright does not suck.

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Phoenix Wright is useless, his normals are ass ( they have no range and no priority), he no longer has any good assists, and to make him not the worse character in the game, you have to gather evidence. I think Doom, Wesker, Spencer, Zero, and Hawkeye are the best in the game. Does anybody here use a Magneto, Frank west, Iron Fist team?

I asked God for a car, but I know he doesn't work like that, so I stole one and asked for forgiveness.


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Phoenix Wright is useless, his normals are ass ( they have no range and no priority), he no longer has any good assists, and to make him not the worse character in the game, you have to gather evidence.

I think Doom, Wesker, Spencer, Zero, and Hawkeye are the best in the game.

Does anybody here use a Magneto, Fran west, Iron Fist team?

they all suck http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//TrollFace.png


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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