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Saikyo Cirno.....by Karakuyakumi



EDIT: Ok I'm gonna admit that was kind of a dickishly impossible request so sorry to anybody that tried.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase. I'm looking S-Cirno by Karakuyakumi, which seems to have disappeared entirely from the internet when it went offline.

And before you guys suggest it, the version you guys got archived is Moiky's. Karakuyakumi's has a few gameplay elements that Moiky's doesn't due to it being very incomplete.

Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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EDIT: Ok I'm gonna admit that was kind of a dickishly impossible request so sorry to anybody that tried.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase. I'm looking S-Cirno by Karakuyakumi, which seems to have disappeared entirely from the internet when it went offline.

And before you guys suggest it, the version you guys got archived is Moiky's. Karakuyakumi's has a few gameplay elements that Moiky's doesn't due to it being very incomplete.

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's it Goin, Roman55? I finally found Your Star Player! This was a Great Challenge but I finally found it after two days of hardcore searching on some Youtube & Nico Nico Videos! Here's the Link...


All the files on this onedrive have Passwords in which of the characters are hard to find, but I was able to find the file and the password to unlock Saikyo Cirno/ S-Cirno file.

The Name of the File on the Onedrive is: Saikyo_Cirno_Patch

The Password to Unlock the File is (Which Was Pretty Funny):

I Watched This Character Battle 1 on 1 in my Mugen Game and it's Hilarious but also challenging! You're right about one thing Roman55 and that's this version is a little bit different when it comes to the Gameplay elements. One of the specials shows a picture of Cirno doing a Uppercut with Japanese letters on each side. It also has a Dan Habiki soundpack! The Onedrive folder also had a File called "S-Cirno_110AI" in which the Password for this file is still the same password listed to unlock the Saikyo_Cirno_Patch. I don't know where this file is supposed to go and if you just try to upload it in your Mugen, it crashes the game with a Sff error. But Even without this patch, Saikyo Cirno/ S-Cirno is a good Parody of Street Fighter's "Dan Hibiki" that uses Ice Skills and a few new moves of her Own. Have Fun With This Character, It's Awesome! If you go up 1 on 1 aginst Dan it's Hilarious. Who's Saikyo will Reign Supreme? Mugen For The Win!

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I appreciate it but the password doesn't seem to work?

EDIT: yep the password isn't working on my end 7-zip and the normal Windows extraction software doesn't recognize the . If someone can get the character and post an alternate link that'd be fine (and hey why not include the S-Cirno_110AI file too, so I can see what causes the SFF error).

Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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Hey, How's it Goin! At first this is what happened to me as well. What I did was copy


I went to Bing Translator on google. I pasted the パス:⑨ as Japanese to English

I then Copied the ⑨ and when I went to unlock the file with the 7-Zip, pasted what I copied on the Japanese Translation and pasted on the password.When I submitted it The File then unlocked and I was able to put this in my game. Try this method out and see if this works.

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Thanks. Both of ya.

Oh and @CoolAnimeHustler: The reason why the other one doesn't work is because it's missing a ton of files from the original upload ya see. And that's cause it's just a straight up AI patch for the conversion I was actually looking for.

BUT this other, much more finished conversion is a decent enough consolation prize. So thanks for finding it.

Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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Thanks. Both of ya.

Oh and @CoolAnimeHustler: The reason why the other one doesn't work is because it's missing a ton of files from the original upload ya see. And that's cause it's just a straight up AI patch for the conversion I was actually looking for.

BUT this other, much more finished conversion is a decent enough consolation prize. So thanks for finding it.

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- You're Welcome, Roman55! It's All Cool! It's All About Helping Out the Mugen Community, You Know! Also thank you about the info of the AI Patch! I saw some of the Youtube Videos regarding the Saikyo Cirno and I thought why not try to look for this character and see if it still exist. After so many Trials and Errors of searching Google, Youtube, Nico Nico, and Forums, it's Cool that it still exist on the Internet so everybody can have fun and it's not lost forever! Mugen For The Win!

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it's Cool that it still exist on the Internet so everybody can have fun and it's not lost forever!

Well an updated version of it at least (Karakuyakumi's seems to be gone for good lol).

oh right should probably vote for the best answer and all that

Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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Well uh...if you have it you're still free to share it lol

Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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