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Who Are You, Really?


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Wow...alot has happened since I asked for an update of mAdLaX. Which btw, was GORGEOUS!!! And unless all the girls in your city are Super Models, you have no reason to be so hard on yourself. That picture belongs on the cover of a magazine... :truestory: I mean, really. Cute and likes MUGEN. That's awesome... And NO, I'm not flurting... :goodmood:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Did you just confess?

Truth be told, I dont really like to smile, why do I look angry all the time o3o

Posted Image

Now I know who you are. Posted Image

hey I just told the truth. your very attractive compared to girls around where I live, there are not many here that are attractive.

Accepting the fact of what you said, since most of the others says the same.

That was a lot to read, but very interesting to say the least.

And Lax, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, you're very pretty.

Lol! I wasn't really, it's just how I see myself.


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