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Calling all Mugen programmers!!!



15 answers to this question

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Easy, first you go to the "data" folder. Once you go into data, look for the "select" .def file. After that, there should be a empty section for characters in it, like this:

 ;Insert your characters below.

You would then type your character's file/folder name in the area right beneath it. You have to make sure the character's folder name matches with their .def file, or they won't be in.

Stages are almost the same, but instead of just the name, you have to type it out like this:


However, instead of "stage0-720", you should type in the name of the stage's .def file.

That should be it.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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im confused.

Easy, first you go to the "data" folder. Once you go into data, look for the "select" .def file. After that, there should be a empty section for characters in it, like this:

 ;Insert your characters below.

You would then type your character's file/folder name in the area right beneath it. You have to make sure the character's folder name matches with their .def file, or they won't be in.

Stages are almost the same, but instead of just the name, you have to type it out like this:


However, instead of "stage0-720", you should type in the name of the stage's .def file.

That should be it.

im confused.

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donyou have an altrenate link?


Oh, yeah. You could just use this thing: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=6860


Makes putting characters in easy. Stages on the other hand......

Oh, yeah. You could just use this thing: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=6860


Makes putting characters in easy. Stages on the other hand...


do you have a altrenate link?

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