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Claire Redfield by armin_iuf Released (4/24/2015)

Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

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Multiverse Thread : http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t5886-leon-and-claire-redfield



She's quite good actually, not decent but good. This armin guy also edit pizzaman Leon, you guys can get it on the Multiverse link.


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Tried this version of Claire---I'd rate her a 4 out of 5.  solid spritework, the sounds are good, she doesn't suddenly turn into KFM at any point---overall, she's a pretty good character. 



Nice little video showcasing Claire---someone linked to it in the MMV thread, so I figured it'd be worth posting here (Leon's in it as well). 

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When I try to run Claire on my winmugen, it crashed. there's this problem:
Error message: invalid trigger: const720p
Error parsing [state 5100,8]
Error in [statedef 5100]
Error in claire.cns
Character is not designed to run on this version of M.U.G.E.N.
Error loading chars/claire/claire.def
Error loading p1
Library error message: Died parsing sysvar(1) > Const720p(20)) + (sysvar(1) > Const720p856)))
Only Claire has this problem; leon is running without problems. :/
Is Claire suitable for winmugen too, or not? (the mugenversion in .def says "27,2,2015; so it would be for 1.0 and upper") :(
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Didn't expect my word could be an issue...okay here the thing - in my place we always use "decent" word for something that almost perfect while the word "good" we usually say for something average, a simple nice thing. Since this Claire wasn't perfect, but still okay to play, so I say "not decent, but good". Sorry if the meaning of this words was different generally, it just we say like that in my place...but from what I see most of you here get the point, glad to know that  :bath:


Now let's get back to the real topic:-



When I try to run Claire on my winmugen, it crashed. there's this problem:
Error message: invalid trigger: const720p
Error parsing [state 5100,8]
Error in [statedef 5100]
Error in claire.cns
Character is not designed to run on this version of M.U.G.E.N.
Error loading chars/claire/claire.def
Error loading p1
Library error message: Died parsing sysvar(1) > Const720p(20)) + (sysvar(1) > Const720p856)))
Only Claire has this problem; leon is running without problems. :/
Is Claire suitable for winmugen too, or not? (the mugenversion in .def says "27,2,2015; so it would be for 1.0 and upper") :(


Maybe because it was winmugen. Try it on 1.0 or 1.1


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To quote Alpaca-san on Guild:

* The sprites of her bike look strangely .jpg-like and don't really match Claire's sprites at all.
* Her intro causes debug flood.
* Really choppy animation just about everywhere.
* The author sure seems to like animating on 6s and higher which I assume is to take away from her lack of frames. Really it just makes her feel very sluggish. 
* The high number of ticks for each frame also cause attack frames to linger for longer than they should so you can, for example, get hit just by walking into her leg while it hangs out there for 27 ticks in her crouching strong kick.
* There's no reason to beef her life up to 1200. She's not some big and slow tank type character.
* I like how the blood effects are barely noticeable from the bullet fx because of the darker shade of orange?
* The shading needs work. Her legs are kinda on the pillow shaded side, her hair's shininess looks more like pink highlights, and she appears to have mistaken her bras for chocolate sauce.
* The CLSN needs a lot of work. Stuff like this
can be made a lot simpler and more practical. Auto CLSN is not how to do things.
* If her crouching strong punch is supposed to be a marvel style launcher it doesn't work at all because you can't cancel into a jump off of hitting with it.
* Most of her normals but not all of them do chip damage for some reason. Goes together like hot sauce and fresh paper cut with her block strings.
* Oh yeah she's surprisingly safe on all her moves because of how long her active attack frames are.
* Why is she able to throw off of all her attack buttons including her weaks? It makes even less sense considering that they all do the same throw.
* Also what's with her not having blue CLSN during her grabbing frame. 
* I was wondering why hitting her during her medium kick makes her airgethit from ground level when you punish it regardless of her previous altitude only to realize this actually does not use vertical velocities. The jumping was done in the .air. What...why...the author clearly knows how to code velocities...Huh?!
* Also considering that she's doing a jumping attack it should hit as an overhead and be less safe.
* Why is it even her normal medium kick. A move like that should be a command normal.
* All of her gun moves cause debug flood too. The author needs to work on his helper coding...
* I don't get the design idea behind her QCF kick special. So the opponent gets wall bounced and then enters a dizzy state after landing on the floor. During this dizzy state, none of your moves except for the jab hit the opponent? I have a better idea...Why not just forget the mostly invincible dizzy state and have the wall bounce part set the opponent up for a juggle?
* I guess the reloading mechanic is an interesting drawback to her zoning abilities if it wasn't like, inconsistent as her grenade launcher appears to have infinite ammo.
* Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku and Shinku Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (No seriously she even uses Ryu's whirlwind effect and everything)? How exactly do they have anything to do with Claire Redfield? 
* FX should not be drawn with the sprites. Especially the fx with her fireball dash.
* Also, the fireball dash sharing commands with her level 3 super is just silly because what if I was at level 3 and wanted to do the level 1 super instead of the level 3? There are more super commands that can be used in this input style than just double quarter circle.
* Super hits give power back. Getpower = 0 in super hitdefs always unless you're a cyberbots character.
* Her level 3 is...not very dynamic. Like, every hit is slow and a good chunk of the auto combo is Claire doing her fierce punch over and over and over. Like, really?
Yeah this character needs a lot of work with her sprites, animation, and most certainly her coding.
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