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Danganronpa Lifebars


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This is nowhere near done I will name some things I have planned on this concept.


1. the backround is just there to see the colors easier so pay no attention to that


2. custom ports for the splotches ala P4A (Yes I know these are P4a's splotches but they fit pretty well imo


3. the "Ultimate" titles will go where you see the white and black bar part under the lifebars so that will be covered


4. Still deciding where names will be


5. Still deciding bar style itself this is nowhere near the final one just a basic concept to get started


6. Have not figured out what kind of power bar to use or what it will even look like I do know I want it near the top though because I hate power bars at the bottom.


7. I found a really nice gif for round animations I plan to use along with a an actual "Round start" thing or w/e heres the gif





8. I am open to ideas and would love some honestly this is the first time I have actually done a lifebar like this rather than just straight edit some colors and placement feel free to give feedback, examples or even help with these I would love it!


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Nice start on the concept.

Some suggestions:

1. I think that an outline of Hope's Peak symbol would work better for the timer since Monokuma's face would look cluttered underneath the actual time counting down.

2. Powerbars could go on top of the lifebars to avoid clashing with any character with a built-in power bar or striker system on the bottom corners.

3. Maybe make the black and white placeholders a little longer to fit a longer Ultimate title.

That's all I have for now.

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I personally never use a timer and monokuma will stay the rest yes I will totally listen about I might actually just revamp the whole thing when I can I got a few more ideas that to use the pink elsewhere not sure though. Those placeholders are not even close to done it will be a whole box under them so don't worry about that one.


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