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Sean v1.6 by ヤモリX

Yamori X

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Sean v1.6 by ヤモリX

Good day to you all. I come here from MFG with my third character release (1st for this site) for MUGEN 1.0. He is Sean Matsuda, from Street Fighter III. His fighting style is similar to all my other chars (utilizes L-M-H combos, EX moves, and Hypers). Please give me feedback, as I really need it to improve my works. I will leave some videos below:





Download Link: Click Here


What's New?

v1.6: Fixed move properties (a LOT of them), improved EX Sean Tackle, made Shoryu Cannon more useful

v1.5: New dampener, fixed hittimes, and more

v1.4: Afterimage changes, AI updated

v1.3.1: Hitboxes fixed

v1.3: All hitsounds changed, and other fixes

v1.2.1: Same as below, and added missing hitboxes (thanks to Alex Sinigaglia)

v1.2: Visual and movement changes

v1.1: Fixed multiple hitdefs, buffed Lv. 3 Hyper, other stuff

v1.0: Initial Release



just forget about it

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Can I make you a suggestion? Change his Shoryuken to the one he had in SFIII 2nd Impact, it was much better.

I'm very sorry, but I much prefer the move in it's current state. I hope you would forgive this.

just forget about it

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