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The Shredder - Movie Version


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The sprites are looking better, but some animations (like the last punch) could use some better timing (you should make the punch frame stay longer than the others, and the animation should be slower in general)

Also, about the low kick you posted on last page: I would get rid of the flipping head and make the head stay the same trough all of the animation

His legs also look really weird in his stance, it's like they're bending backwards and then they go forward again

Just a couple of suggestions =D 

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The sprites are looking better, but some animations (like the last punch) could use some better timing (you should make the punch frame stay longer than the others, and the animation should be slower in general)

Also, about the low kick you posted on last page: I would get rid of the flipping head and make the head stay the same trough all of the animation

His legs also look really weird in his stance, it's like they're bending backwards and then they go forward again

Just a couple of suggestions =D 

The last punch is actually a projectile throw, his little knife thing, maybe it could be held out longer though??


The flipping head is from the base that i was following in the original animation. I wasn't confident enough to change it before because I assumed the previous artist knew what they were doing and could sprite better than me so i trusted their version and matched Shredder to do the same.


Though I guess if everyone hates it then i can reverse it.


I also mentioned earlier that i would change the stance before release. Thanks for the heads up.


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i'm glad your taking the time to make this character's sprites and animations fluid

Like I've always said - I'll try my best. It depends on how much I know and if I'm still interested in it.


So far though, I'm still good to go. ;)


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im going to guess its going to spin repeatedly more than it is on that animation.

Nope. It's spinning just as you see it. I think i am going to add a sliding effect.


I would also like to do 1 with gambit's attack.




But with a step in first and a spin w/attack. Like Kilik in sc2.


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I'll try. I have just a few more move ideas and I collected some more possible basics to complete the 6-button action system thing.


Currently though i am neglecting the wip as I've gotten into playing an RPG. I'm gonna be out for a while LOL


Sorry to those who are waiting for a new and different Shredder for mugen. I'll try and make some time for this again. So far it plays very well and it's quite fun! Very reminiscent of the movie itself; though that was the goal :P


I've been kicking around the idea of at least trying a Raphael sprite edit? I'm very curious of how it could look like in mugen? I think i'd really get a kick out of it for sure. Just to hear his voice alone would go great with Movie Shredder!! XD


BTW I did more new work all ready as attacks though they don't have too many frames so I am saving it for the release. Just more attacks and 1 special. I would like to at least add in 1 more super/hyper, though I don't have any ideas right now at this time.



brainstorming is one of the other long processes of mugen wips. :noway:


Some of the new moves planned are gonna be,


A spear lift press, a MK Quan Chi twisting cutter, and a standing side kick thrust.


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