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OC Released 1/26/2015


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I've finally managed to make myself into MUGEN as a fighter. My char is made MvC2 Mouser styled. I'll save the details for later and get to command list.


6 Button char



Standing hk will have him firing a bullet from his special gun, Wolf's Fang. You can shoot up to 3 bullets at a time.


Tag System Assists:

PalNo 1-4 - alpha - Projectile - hp (firing 3 shots)

PalNo 5-8 - beta - Expansion - Call Assist

PalNo 9-12 - gamma - Balance - Bomb Throw


Grab: Holdfwd/Holdback+z



Bomb Throw- ~D, DF, F, x/y/z

Call Assist- ~D, DF, F, a/b/c

Dark Wolf Call- ~D, DB, B, a/b/c



Hyper Combo: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches

Dark Wolf Legion: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks

Wolf Duo: ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Requires 3 bars)

Dark Wolf Death Blow: x, y, F, a, c (Requires 5 bars)


Changes done:

-Fixed misaligned hitsparks and hyper sparks.

-The Dark Wolves can now be hit

-shortened the red box on the bomb explosion

-added a .wav file for you to add in the common.snd in your mugen. During the last strike Wolf Duo. As he and WereGarurumon pose, an explosion sound is heard when the target hits the ground so as I said, add that to the common.snd as 20,2.







Special Thanks:

- TheGreatMatsutzu

- No-BODY-The-Dragon @ deviantArt (Sprites are based off his Drunk Guy spritesheet) 

- ShinZankuro

- R.o.q.u.e

- AeroGP

- Ikaruga


Edit: Added 11 palettes and all can be found in this link: 



Here are the images of all 12 palettes and they are in order:





Enjoy and have fun.

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Kind of late on this, but I got a few things to say:


-No Wave dash? (Again?)


-Based off the red clsn, the "bullets" from his gun is a bit off in position.



-Kind of curious, but no blue hitbox on the Dark wolf Summons?


Asked this, cause I might be okay with it, only that the "Garurumon" assist is actually hittable. Not to mention, this reminds me of Jill's zombie helpers, which are also hittable. Any reason for the Dark wolves not being hittable?


-Dark Wolf Legion takes up way too many damage for a lvl 1 super.



-His "Hyper combo" has a hitspark mis-alignment going on during the super.



-No screenshot for the time being, but the "activation" hitspark on "Wolf Duo" is a bit above Nick himself.


-A nitpick, but the commands based on what you have in the first post for "Dark Wolf Death blow" is wrong. It's actually x, z, F, a, c (From his .cmd file)


That's all I have to say.



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Hmmm... I should have those issues fixed soon... and for the Dark Wolves being hittable... I'm gonna have to color in the hitfall and liedead sprites from Ikaruga's wolf and add the sprites and hitoverride state. 



EDIT: On the updated version I'm releasing ASAP, I weakened the damage given by the wolves during Dark Wolf Legion and also lessened the poweradd on each hit. I also fixed the misaligned hitsparks and shortened the bomb explosion damage box. And the hyper sparks are around the center of his body and fixed the offset of the bullets fired from the Wolf's Fang. 


Note: It's recommended a beam attack should be used to KO the Dark Wolves he sends out during Dark Wolf Legion. Cyclop's Mega Optic Blast or Morrigan's Soul Eraser are good moves to counter with as they'll hit him as well, canceling out the hyper move. Also in the Dark Wolf Death Blow, his wolf form CANNOT be hit as his lunge is short. It's recommended you super jump or jump high enough over him to avoid his move. If he does this at a distance, good timing is needed to jump to avoid the attack otherwise, you WILL be hit. As that move requires 5 super bars, which is his entire power bar set, the AI can't do much as he uses other hypers on you it's a rare moment he does such attack. Training Mode... forget it, he'll show no mercy depending on the difficulty you set your MUGEN to and the AI ramping.



Argh I wish I had those lifebars... I hope the creator release them soon...

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