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Green Ranger - Power Rangers


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Thanks. I think i'm starting to really enjoy it again. I'm really digging his weapons during his gameplay test runs.





Okay 2 attacks remaining, both aerial.


In the show, I saw green ranger do a double drop spin kick. I'm wondering if I should incorporate that? I don't have the sprites for it but I could make it, though I doubt the effort would be worth it...for the following reasons in that it is not exclusive to green ranger but rather has been done by several of the power ranger leaders and also it probably won't look as good in game than it does on film. So my plans for this are still hazy. I'll have to work this out more in my head.


As for specials I ditched a lot from the show. I found that although they were interesting for sure, they were just too repetitive in function. I'm not a fan of the repeated hadoken, where one is a ki blast and the other is sometimes a fireball. They both are basically the same thing so no point in using both. The same issue comes up with green ranger's moves.


I think it'll just be 1 special and 1 super/hyper; maybe more on the super/hyper, it will depend on the dragonzord spriting and or resources.


The first being all ready working, a dagger throw attack, and the super/hyper being the combined dagger and saber shooting together a blue green  lightning laser beam. I might reassign these depending on other factors, that is if I can make more moves that could replace or reinforce the moveset. That's all regarding plans for now.


btw I found this online, it might be useful for this wip?






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Those two up there are the baddest zords ever imo. The ninja zords look like crap, tiger zords got nothing on the dragon zord. The falcon zord is pretty cool but dragon zord can shoot missles to! XD It really sucked when the thunderzords replaced the old ones, though it was a decent replacement though.



I wouldn't mind having a car that looked like these LOL


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ok so i was reading all the post on this project, i think you should go the extra mile on the kicks punches etc and you should added the double drop spin kick, i also think you should make the head more fluid with his animations but besides that i love this wip, keep up the good work and enjoy what your doing

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I am currently changing up the heads, I will agree to this, they can be a little more different. I'ma start on fixing the walk.


I really don't want to spend too much time on one thing, it gets boring and I lose interest. Though I have updated stuff in the past with more stuff such as Goku and Link (Zelda). Maybe I'll add it after a few other releases, we'll see. *yawn*


I will say though that I don't feel bad at all in limiting the 6 button movesets because there are just so many power rangers, I just think it really makes little difference when you have such a vast selection of near identical fighters. They're just 1 dimensional rinse and repeat gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed a lot of them but I don't feel that it is worth fleshing out too deep.


And again I'm probably gonna do like 2-3 more so it's all ready gonna be a ton X(





Okay the last of the basic moves is done for now (but we'll see, maybe I'll update with more later on) so all that is left is the special and hyper(s).


The best and somewhat harder part will be the audio rips. The character really takes life when you hear just the littlest of things giving it life, such as when they jump through the air and you hear the heavy swing, or when they through a punch and it sounds like a hammer striking metal, or the impact that for some reason sounds like a gun firing off with an explosion.


That reminds me, I am gonna try and add those hitsparks where the punches leave like a tiny explosion with literally smoke and sparks w/fire. That was always memorable in the show and they especially used it in the zord fights.


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Special and hyper completed




The first image is a dagger throw projectile, seen in the fight between red ranger vs green ranger. The second image is the hyper/super, seen also in the same episode where both the dagger and the saber are combined to unleash a beam and lightning combo.


I guess from here I'll just do the sounds and release this I guess?


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Axkeeper first let me say this. Not to long ago I made a joke about you, but it wasn't out of disrespect or anything. I was referencing your work as a punishment because of all the hate you get across the forums. I wanted you to know that because I want you to know I'm being 100 about what I say to you. I admire your conviction and I completely understand your method. Your green ranger may not be the next Reuben Kee Evil Ryu, but it is still the best looking GR in mugen and your doing it for free. Im pretty sure you would give permission for someone who enjoys investing a year in a character to add/edit the char. I like what I see and I hope you make the whole O.G. team. Please note that this is complement and not me "Flame baiting" and how gay that sounds. Thanks for your contribution in short I look forward to it. To those that left CONSTRUCTIVE critism know tha t I respect your scrutiny. It wouldn't be a great forum if you couldn't have a opinion. Excuse me (Goes back to his MFFA flame Jugg) where da good pussy at? lol


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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Much obliged.


I just hoped that someone would have done this years ago instead of me to be honest. I like creating stuff but it can be a pain sometimes. I'm just glad there is more to share, no matter who it comes from, it's always a good thing to have more choices! ;)


It also would have freed me to do other stuff instead like a L.Zedd character or a Shredder (Movie version). I'll get to them to though XD


I also appreciate the honest feedback (whether in my favor or not) and I in no way wish for it to stop either. I like when a forum can have a complete spectrum of freedom and it is at its best when it goes both ways for everyone.


Furthermore, my work is open as usual (referring to your comment) for anyone else in case anyone is wondering again. My permission is never required nor do I believe in such a foolish concept (this is mugen after all) in that it is a freeware game engine and as such it is completely customizable, as well as its content that is freely and publicly given.  


In case I didn't mention this before,


"Everything I edit is open source, please don't ask for my permission. If I post it, it's yours! Also, Do not Credit me. Thanks."


This is a signature I frequently use to express my beliefs on mugen in general. Back from my early days as a warehouser for the cause and at a time where it was taboo. R.I.P. The Hidden Elect (mugen warehouse) *salutes*



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Your using the same head for every animation.

That already was bad in your Mario, and it's also bad in your Green Ranger.

Please fix that.

That is because he is stealing Verz36 work. You can clearly see that he doesn't respect other people's works and doesn't have the same skill of the original author.

Btw, Ax, were you going to "sell everything for Yeshua"?



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Why are you attacking me?


I've made it clear that the base is cyclops by verz and loganir in the very first post. The concept of stealing pixels is nonsense. What he does is what anyone else can do as well. it's nothing special. Besides "his" work is nothing but a manipulation of Cyclops sprites by Capcom. In either case it's all copyrighted so you tell me what right he has over pixels?


This is nonsense, his Cyclops is still online and still the same. I've done nothing except alter a copy that was originally a Kung Fu Man to begin with. His character was released for all of us to have and use; if he didn't want copies being altered then he should have never shared it to begin with.


I'm not the only one altering his stuff either, there are many of us who do, the only difference is I share my edits for others to enjoy.


I haven't taken his credit either, everyone knows who he is and is still a big shot regardless of Green Ranger.




AND aside from all of this, do you honestly want nobody to have a new Green Ranger character just to satisfy verz? Are you gonna take away their character? Should I delete all of this and not release anything, would that be better for the community or worse?


I used his character because i liked it, not to spite him in some way, I used it because i am his fan and the base works so well for a power ranger, this wip would ended up the same if I made the base myself anyway because I just be re-creating the same size and base he made for his character. Why can't I take a shortcut? Do you rip Capcom's sprites every time you need them or do you use someone else's rips? Exactly, if it's there and ready, why not do it O?!


I have nothing against you personally, i just disagree with this view on owning pixels and anyone else can simply duplicate or make better, other times worse LOL


You works are still there and everyone will still love them, it makes no difference what i do and besides i made a green ranger, not a cyclops. If anything verz is getting more credit because he made the base for green ranger.



Anyway, i hope you'll be reasonable and listen to reason. I've done nothing really wrong, how can you steal a copy that is infinite and free? How can you alter it if it's still on your blogs?!


Think about it!




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