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MvC2 Fox McCloud (MvC2 edit) Released 1/16/2015


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This better be good......



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Awesome character and great mechanics :youre_winner:  (I love this reference), but you might wanna fix a couple of things:


- Multi kick has insane cancel abilities and can create infinite loops. Might wanna give some frames at the end of each multi kick attack and maybe some more pause time on each

- Maybe some tweaking and nerfing on his damages of his normals and supers. not too much, but just enough...

- I believe this is optional, but if you can give some more end frames on his sniper hyper (lel) it could help since it's possible to juggle the opponent with 2 and get like half health (and even reset the combo with a jab to do it again).


Other than this so far, it's a really good conversion. Keep it up ^_~



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Fox's been updated.



-Decreased Attack from 100 to 90 to deal a bit less damage when comboing

-Increased time frame in his Multi-Kicks due to the previous version being able to do infinites

-Increased time frame for Sniper Fox when he's finished with the 5th shot.



Forgot to mention here's a notable combo.


(St)LP,(Cr)MK,(Cr)HP then in air LP, LK, MP/MK, Hyper Fox Fire. When the opponent is lying down, (Cr)MK, (Cr)HP then repeat same air combo then repeat if they don't get up still. I've managed to land a 61 Hit Air Combo this way. And to prove it, here's a screenshot. In an actual match, you need at least 3 super bars to perform this combo.


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Just got some things for you:


-No Wave-dashing?

-I don't think both Mp -> Mk/Hp -> Hk are supposed to chain, unless it counts as a link (tried it in the source game)

-Misaligned hitspark on his standing med.


-Misaligned hitspark on his crouch mk.


-Misaligned hitspark on his throw.


-If you time it right, Z -> Strong Multi-kick is a corner infinite (It's super strict though).

-Even if it were MvC-ish style (I know, it's MvC2), I can't do the usual lp -> mp -> mk -> hk. Reason why
is because mp -> mk doesn't connect after you follow it after lp.



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Hmm... Fox Illusion... using AfterImage in the attack... yeah. I think I could work that out. Once I fix the misaligned hitsparks and hit-chain, I'll try to code in Fox Illusion. And I was sure not to leave an infinite of his strong Multi-Kick, how the heck the infinite can still happen...


I just imagined it... it's a good Aerial Rave finisher too.

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Just got some things for you:


-No Wave-dashing?



it's there (if you're referring to marvel style wave-dashing).


And I didn't quote it before, but lp - mp - mk - hk is still connectable



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No, I mean a "Dash shortcut" when you press 3 Punches (x,y,z) together, which can be spammed continuously if you press 3P and crouch repeatedly (or in MvC2's case, 2P -> Crouch repeatedly).


Also, forget about the "lp -> mp -> mk -> hk" feedback I gave, I just found out that you can't do that in MvC (Unless you're Strider Hiryu).



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Hmm... from what I saw in MvC2 (source game), lp->mp->mk->hk was done by the AI... most being Morrigan, Hayato, Jill... and about the dashing, you're saying I should put the shortcut dashing like this here:


[state -1]

type = ChangeState

value = 100

triggerall = roundstate = 2 && !var(59)

triggerall = command = "FF" || command = "dash"

trigger1 = statetype != A && ctrl


I had to move that from the bottom to the top where Statedef -1 is declared.

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No, I mean a "Dash shortcut" when you press 3 Punches (x,y,z) together, which can be spammed continuously if you press 3P and crouch repeatedly (or in MvC2's case, 2P -> Crouch repeatedly).


Also, forget about the "lp -> mp -> mk -> hk" feedback I gave, I just found out that you can't do that in MvC (Unless you're Strider Hiryu).

I see.... aiight then.



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