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Kairi by Mr. Karate JKA Updated (01/16/2015)


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Few time ago i decided to update Kairi only when the new spritesheet is done. I dont know when the new sprites will be done so, i decided to release this uddate that includes:

- Some new effects (includind new projectile animation for Shinki Hatsudou)

- New FX for Shouki Hatsudou ripped from TVC by Shinzankuro and converted to Hi res by Nestor - THANKS GUYS!!!

- Some gameplay improvemnts

- New animatons for stand medium kick, strong kick, and air medium kick

- New Hyper portrait

- Fixed the infinte combo

- Compatible with Add004 lifebars

- New small portrait by Hades

- And some other stuff


- Still missing adjust hit boxes (i`ll do it whe the new sprites are done because i`m lazy);

- Shouki Hatsudou looks strange in some 1.1 stages because the size of the sprites.

- I`m still working on Zero wink.gif



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