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Butt-Head by The_None Released (11/26/2014)


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Quick note: Both Beavis and Sentro got updated as well. Here's what's updated on those two:


For Beavis:

  • New Standing Far Ligtht Punch Animation
  • New Aerial Guard Animation
  • Extended timeover lose animation
  • New custom state animations for collapse and shock
  • Air Throw given
  • Lightbulb super spark, carried over from Butt-Head
  • Special intro against Butt-head from the same author
  • Fixed the "victim faces the other way" bug in Violent Restitution by making the victim always face Butt-Head
  • Tweaked the command priority a bit so the LP+LK+direction gives a dodge rather than a command move attack
  • More voices there and there

For Sentro:

  • Mousers now detach themselves from the opponent when the round is over
  • Rolling Mines now shall only hit once for sure
  • Energy Pills don't leave the screen
  • Removed the "touch" collision damage of Robo-Rygars
  • Tweaked the attitudes of Jet Transformation flights
  • Restricted the Funnel Swarm to be only done if there isn't any Funnel onscreen to begin with
  • The stat screen now stays in for no longer than 5 seconds after being done calculating every stat
  • Some after-defeat debrises now adjust their angles to remain flat

Download them here: http://justnopoint.com/lbends/



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