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Tekken 7 trailer stage


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Not if you test it out. But seeing that this is made quickly, I have my suspicions.


Regardless, I'll give it a test.


Edit: Yep, this is made with the Cybaster stage tool (Really?), which I can let it slide since it does teach someone the Zoffset/positioning. However... The stage itself is really bad:




And here are a list of reasons why:

1. This looks like it's just taken from a YT video from a frame, and just made into a stage (Which in itself looks awkward with Heihachi's shadow in there).


2. The whole thing looks blurry as hell, even though the trailer is in a 720p format. Not to mention that there's some colorloss here and there.


3. If you noticed on the 1st and 2nd screenshot, there's a line from the trailer's "grainy" effect. Notice how awkward it looks with the fighters in view.


And 4. The positioning for the fighters is a little too low. I can understand what it's supposed to do, but even so it doesn't give me the feeling of being on a 3D floor, more like a flat plane.


That is all I have to say about this.



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Next time, at least give it some time and not make the stage blurry as hell. (Also I suggest either making a stage from scratch or at least an edit of a stage. The Cybaster tool is good, but you need it as a base rather than just making an actual stage in itself)


And one more thing: If you don't have time to make a stage and want to make a stage out of something you like; make some time.



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Yeah, I know. I liked this scene so I did just that. I did like 2 minutes. I did not have much time: D

Please don't do that. A good creation takes time to do(whether it's a character or a stage). If you don't have time then you're better off not bothering.

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Okay I'm going to have to say this:

Clearly you aren't taking this seriously, so why should we take you seriously?

The whole "I did this in two minutes lol" thing isn't going to get you anywhere in the Mugen community and life. Like they said, good creations require time and effort put in to them. If you aren't going to do that, then you're better off not creating.

I've said my part, have a nice day.

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What are you trying to pull, kid?

Just cause I can't smack you over the head on your end doesn't mean I still can't deliver a verbal smackdown.

Like we said, if you don't have the time to make something of quality, don't even bother making it.

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