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Inside Black Viper(Contra4 Stage)


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Okey nothing really i would sugest just to clean the DEF file and get rid of the aditional text and codes you arent gona use on the next release like these:

;Z offset for drawing
;Adjust this value to move the ground level up/down in the screen.
;It's the position where the players stand at.
;Up - smaller, Down - larger

and this:


[bG OutSide Earth]
type = anim
actionno = 0
start = -128, 0
delta = .8, .75
mask = 1
tile = 0,0 <<<<<<This


trans = none <<<<This

Just to keep it more organized and easy to understand.


Also could flip the shadow from yscale = -.1 to yscale = .1

shadow get slighty out of the mouth while -.1 besides make more sence since lightsource should be from the earth imo 

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I remember playing Contra 4 back when my DS was still in working order. The final boss (Black Viper), cannot be fought on easy, but I still beat him on Hard. I am extremely good at that game. Also, the OST was kick ass. Nice stage, btw!


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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