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[Full Game) Unnamed SSB (kinda) 2.5D project (need ideas for few things)

Ridley "MOTHERF_____"

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i got a boss idea for you

how about maglor from kirby's return to dreamland

Sure. I have his model and animations ready for that:


But his first and second forms have something i won't be able to properly replicate. This one could be used, but he is Magalor Soul and not just Magalor.

Also, here is some more info: one of K.Rool's specials will place a spiked ball mine on the floor that will explode if touched or left alone for enough time (based off those spiked balls in first part of the battle in DKC2). Only 2 can be on the stage at once. If K.Rool will try to shoot another one, his Blunderbuss will shoot nothing, confusing K.Rool and leaving him vulnerable. Another special can either freeze or slow down enemy by shooting a gas cloud from Blunderbuss (based off those gas clouds he shoots in 3rd part of the battle in DKC2). One that freezes is more effective, but its projectile is slower and has longer start-up.

Engage me. 1v1. No Missiles. Samus only. Norfair Depths.

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Sure. I have his model and animations ready for that:


But his first and second forms have something i won't be able to properly replicate. This one could be used, but he is Magalor Soul and not just Magalor.

Also, here is some more info: one of K.Rool's specials will place a spiked ball mine on the floor that will explode if touched or left alone for enough time (based off those spiked balls in first part of the battle in DKC2). Only 2 can be on the stage at once. If K.Rool will try to shoot another one, his Blunderbuss will shoot nothing, confusing K.Rool and leaving him vulnerable. Another special can either freeze or slow down enemy by shooting a gas cloud from Blunderbuss (based off those gas clouds he shoots in 3rd part of the battle in DKC2). One that freezes is more effective, but its projectile is slower and has longer start-up.


actually i meant this maglor


but if you can make any version of him in, i'd be happy.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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  • 5 months later...

This is looking fantastic! =)

I've got several questions and ideas for you:

Will ths be released for 1.0? (I already know it will be released for 1.1.)

If possible, can we make edits out of these characters?

I have a full game idea for you: a Super Smash Bros. Brawl full game featuring the original models from that game!! Make sure all characters play as they do in Brawl and that regular attacks, special moves, blocking, grabbing, and Final Smashes are performed with seperate buttons.

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