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The Role-Play Paradise


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*There is still no response. But not soon after would two girls approach Timeweaver. A cheery looking brunette and a more serious looking black haired girl. Both of them seemed to be wearing the same uniform.*mai.png

"Who are you and why are you so eager to go inside?"

Quite the organization DarkFlare has here huh? Well, I'm TimeWeaver.

And assuming you heard some things about me, no I'm not proud of my past. But I was hoping DarkFlare might be able to help me with that. Also, I might need help constructing whatever's inside this box.

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"Never heard of you. And just what makes you so sure Flare is the right person for your problem?"

Well, I figured someone like me would be easy to teach. And also to catch up and meet new faces, like maid of yours. Seems like a bustling place to me.

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*The black haired girl simply shakes her head*


"Mr....Weaver, was it? This place is a restricted area. They don't allow anyone who isn't on the team or a guest inside."


"Not to mention, that I can't think of anything Flare would be able to teach you."

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"Ahaha, a weapon could be anything though. It could even be something like a gun. Sayuri doesn't think a blacksmith would be able to help if it's something like that."


"Hastur? I can't guarantee that Flare would know him. But if you explain your relationship with this Hastur guy, I might be able to take you to Flare.."

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"Ahaha, a weapon could be anything though. It could even be something like a gun. Sayuri doesn't think a blacksmith would be able to help if it's something like that."mai.png

"Hastur? I can't guarantee that Flare would know him. But if you explain your relationship with this Hastur guy, I might be able to take you to Flare.."

Well that's sort of the thing here.....I was recently introduced to him and his organization and I haven't found out anything from asking. But what I do know is that they have resources, including an abundance of soldiers and some noteworthy members. That's all I have for now unfortunately

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Well that's sort of the thing here.....I was recently introduced to him and his organization and I haven't found out anything from asking. But what I do know is that they have resources, including an abundance of soldiers and some noteworthy members. That's all I have for now unfortunately


"A rival team, I see."


"They might be new, we've never heard of them before."


"That's true. I assume they'll make their appearance known soon, but it can't hurt to get more information about them so we can tell if they'll be problematic.


"Like spying on them?"


"I suppose. I should tell you in advance that you might end up having to pay for this since you are technically asking for our services."

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*There is a brief moment of silence...*


"Well...maybe Mr. Flare will be generous this time."


"Let's just get him here... Wait for us and don't try anything stupid."

*Mai proceeds to signal the camera to open the steel doors. Once they open, the two girls enter inside as the door closes.*

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I may be involved with an unnamed organization that may or may not be hostile. I'd like to think not, but some people can be unpredictable and I would rather there be no casualties on either side.

So if you help me out, I'll get as much intel I can on the important people

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We've had enough of this foolish cat and mouse games. We came to capture Kyo and now we are faced with an opportunity to take down the legendary LightFlare. We will not miss this opportunity to further our plans beyond the boundaries of it's original limitations. For you see...we are perfect. Because we can be whatever our father wants us to be. So...without further a do. Kyo...LightFlare! You both...are coming with us...



*both clones dart out in both directions...*


*They bombarded LightFlare and Kyo from both sides*

ryuio.gifThere not pulling any punches...

I'd rather they didn't! No excuses! Ha!kyos-yell.gif


*Kyo retaliates with relentless force*

ryuw.gifYou're next!


*LightFlare blasts the clone threw the side of a car*


*Kyo and LightFlare stand back to back...*

ryuio.gifYou guys don't quit...

These losers are done for! KyoFace3_small.png

*Kyo retaliates rushes the clones*

kyo-half-kusan.gif Heh...you fools...*cough*


Wait...something isn't right...

*suddenly a mysterious figure appears in front of Kyo*






Another clone!? I'll flatten you just like all the others! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!

*the mysterious clone stikes*


ryuio.gifHe's no ordinary clone...something...


Something is terribly wrong...

To be continued...




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I may be involved with an unnamed organization that may or may not be hostile. I'd like to think not, but some people can be unpredictable and I would rather there be no casualties on either side.

So if you help me out, I'll get as much intel I can on the important people


"Being unpredictable isn't exactly a valid excuse. Everyone is unpredictable to a degree. Unless you can get me some proof that I should be concerned about, I ain't going to do anything just cause you have a hunch."

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Sigh fine. They tried to go after Trailblazer, but it wasn't the real one. So if they can mobilize a large force within an hour just for one person, I'm sure that it'll be the same for any other "enemy". And I'm not sure if me saying that Hastur is allied with Cooler means anything, but to be honest I'm sure you have your own heavy hitter.

Look I know I had my moments of weakness, but I came to you so that I could do it right this time. So please, if you have any weapons specialist with you, can you ask if they would be willing to train me?

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Sigh fine. They tried to go after Trailblazer, but it wasn't the real one. So if they can mobilize a large force within an hour just for one person, I'm sure that it'll be the same for any other "enemy". And I'm not sure if me saying that Hastur is allied with Cooler means anything, but to be honest I'm sure you have your own heavy hitter.

Look I know I had my moments of weakness, but I came to you so that I could do it right this time. So please, if you have any weapons specialist with you, can you ask if they would be willing to train me?

oh it was the real one. Proper reincarnation takes time. and requires one to die first.

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oh it was the real one. Proper reincarnation takes time. and requires one to die first.

So that means you're coming back stronger than before? Interesting. Well have a nice rebirth.

*looks at DarkFlare* I hope you can hear him too. I don't want you thinking I'm insane

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Okay, well I appreciate that you went out of your way to speak with me. But before you go, how do you expect me to waltz out of there with evidence that I'm sure is pretty secure? I can only do so much and risk/reward ratio seems a bit unbalanced

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