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MUGENGERS Video Series


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That was pretty good battle. Great Job!
Also, I must personally thank you for introducing me to Two Steps from Hell. If you liked they Pathogen album, you might also want to check Sinners.
And BTW, your thumbnail pictures for MC'Chris vs Miyuki Shiba and Pure and Fur vs Snoopy is off for some reason.


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That was pretty good battle. Great Job!


Also, I must personally thank you for introducing me to Two Steps from Hell. If you liked they Pathogen album, you might also want to check Sinners.


And BTW, your thumbnail pictures for MC'Chris vs Miyuki Shiba and Pure and Fur vs Snoopy is off for some reason.

Thanks for watching :)


That's nice! Two Steps From Hell's albums are really nice. And thanks for introducing me another album that I didn't know.


Suddenly, that two video's thumbnail pictures disappeared few weeks ago, but I recovered it just few hours ago :)

(I don't know why they disappeared..)

YouTube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/user/qwosk

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Dark Athena 3rd(player) vs Asuna(cpu)







I began training new char to play.

(So I'm not so good at her now..)


This is a request video for Aaron Favor from YouTube.

First, he wanted me to play with Chris, but I want to practice this :)


If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!

YouTube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/user/qwosk

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MC'Chris(player) vs Kenshiro KOFM(cpu)







This is a request video for Mr. KOtik.

Sorry for quite cheap playing, but this was not the level

that I can handle without of that..


If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!

YouTube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/user/qwosk

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