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Zatanna ~REMIX released by Chimoru & JohnnyDC (5/17/2014)


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wow is that cel chaded ??!! joking , but all jokes aside , i wonder what was added to this character. last i recalled it was a very incomplete version that was in the database. i'm also curious if there's any injustice - inspired moves here as well.


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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At last some good Zatanna version. Of course is not perfect but obviously much better than the previous incomplete version.


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She has strong AI too. Yea it quite nice, she has many move.


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After clicking on a adfly link, you have to wait 5 seconds before a large yellow "Skip this Ad" button appears on the upper right corner of your screen. Click it and you'll be directed to whatever link was originally put behind it.


If the "Skip this Ad" button doesn't appear after said 5 seconds or if the "please wait 5 seconds" message does not display itself, usually one refreshing of the page should make it work again.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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or click on link and when u face adfly thing

press escape and erased everything from link before www.********.com and press enter . directs you to the page :=D:

hahah, the samething i do when i saw a adfly link. XD

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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we knew squirtle lol!! my thing is that it was pretty much a rushed character. needs more frames of animation,  the chain combos are very sloppy it felt like more than one person was working on this with no sense of direction. no disrespect to the creator but this needs more time in the lab before it hits the street. 


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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updated yestersay

Thanks for the info Vol.


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I just saw the preview video over at the MMV release topic and she looks like she'll be better than the majority of comic book characters out there.


A minor gripe of mine in regards to her "Dove Summon" special move, and I don't know if I'm the only one who sees it like this, is that when she calls the doves back, they just disappear as soon as they reach her sprites instead of Zatanna doing something like pulling off her hat once more to let the doves fly in it. If she'd do the latter, I think that attack would look more logical and be more consistent.


Another thing is, and I can only judge it from the video as I have not yet tried her out personally, is that when she uses her "Rabbit Transformation" super move, the opponent transforms into a rabbit. Does that turn him/her into a punching bag until the transformation is reversed?


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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I just saw the preview video over at the MMV release topic and she looks like she'll be better than the majority of comic book characters out there.


A minor gripe of mine in regards to her "Dove Summon" special move, and I don't know if I'm the only one who sees it like this, is that when she calls the doves back, they just disappear as soon as they reach her sprites instead of Zatanna doing something like pulling off her hat once more to let the doves fly in it. If she'd do the latter, I think that attack would look more logical and be more consistent.


Another thing is, and I can only judge it from the video as I have not yet tried her out personally, is that when she uses her "Rabbit Transformation" super move, the opponent transforms into a rabbit. Does that turn him/her into a punching bag until the transformation is reversed?


the doves go back up her sleeve like a regular magician. and P2 changes back from a rabbit when taking any damage (or when timer expires)

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