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Mortal Kombat Stages Equipped with Super Jump!


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Oh great, update version of MK stages! Loving it..please I hope you make Living Forest stage :joyful:


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hmmmm i might check these out... i was wondering if the pit and other stages with fatalities can be activated...

That would be groovy if they were...."flyboy".


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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If you use the winmugen versions of Juano's character's the pit's stage fatality should work, it's coded into the character so idk if all of them will work properly. I know it does in the 1.1 version. I didn't try it in the 1.0 version. The mk2 pit won't have a stage fatality tho haha.


Cool, but the Super Jump MK Stages I already have glitch at the Super Jump areas.

You mind posting a screen shot so i can see what you mean so I can fix it?



Is there a sprite difference with 1.0 and 1.1? :o

or is it just the zoomin and out codes in it.

Not significant, but some sprites were moved in the 1.1 version to follow the zooming properly.

My stages folder:
Want a screenpack ported to ikemen? DM's open
Want a stage remade with parallax & possible super jump? DM's open

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nah , i'm obviously peter lol!!! but back on topic..  i'm not sure if they were stage triggered , or the character would have to have the stage code or a combination of both.... well, one way to find out...


You got the Reference?!

If you use the winmugen versions of Juano's character's the pit's stage fatality should work, it's coded into the character so idk if all of them will work properly. I know it does in the 1.1 version. I didn't try it in the 1.0 version. The mk2 pit won't have a stage fatality tho haha.


You mind posting a screen shot so i can see what you mean so I can fix it?



Not significant, but some sprites were moved in the 1.1 version to follow the zooming properly.

I'll try....don't want to, but I will.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Zoom def's added to the mk2 stages. If you want to use the zoom variants, keep the entire file. There are slight graphical edits I had to do for the zoom to work properly. Also added an overlay to the living forest and wastelands (1.1 only though)

My stages folder:
Want a screenpack ported to ikemen? DM's open
Want a stage remade with parallax & possible super jump? DM's open

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Oh yes, I've been waiting for MK2 zoom stages!


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all MK3 stages minus the Soul Chamber (I'm still working on getting this perfect to the source before I add super jump) have been added, 
The only stage I got the stage fatality to work properly on is the subway. The mk3 Pit flat out doesn't work, at least with an uppercut, if you use their original stage fatality input and it works, cool. I doubt it'll look as it should though. and The Bell Tower, "works" with a simple uppercut but the camera stops scrolling before it gets to the spikes at the bottom so yeah it gets a lil glitchy. I wouldn't recommend using stage fatalities on that stage.

My stages folder:
Want a screenpack ported to ikemen? DM's open
Want a stage remade with parallax & possible super jump? DM's open

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What exactly are your problems with them?

Not problems, it just seems as though they aren't fully complete, and The Bank was just...well, not true to the original in terms of the extended ceiling. Also the same problem for The Balcony and The Street and Noobs Dorfen. The Temple was okay, but a little misaligned.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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