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MvC2 Morrigan Released (BETA)


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Following a suggestion... I have released Morrigan to the public. She is close to SA and has 6 hypers. Enjoy.
Credits to Mouser for the MvC2 source code and hsienthm for the sprites I used from his Morrigan and Neo_Fire_Sonic for the MvC2 port for Morrigan.
Download link:

Hyper commands
Soul Eraser: D,DF,F + any 2 punches
Silhouette Blade: ~F,D,DF + any 2 punches
Darkness Illusion: D,DF,F + any 2 kicks
Brilliant Shower: D,DB,B + any 2 punches
Splendor Love: ~B,D,DB + any 2 punches
Eternal Slumber: B,x,b,B,y,c
Video as demonstration:
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Awesome character Darkwolf. I love this character any chance of doing chun li or megaman

I would love to see MegaMan, especially if he will also get extra stuff just like his Morrigan while still being MvC2-accurate.

By the way, nice one, DarkWulf. I also know, why this problem with the lifebar port happens. It HAS to use the same pallete like the character sprites.

So the only thing I could suggest is editing the render so it uses the colors of the sprites.



I may have to make Eternal Slumber a bit more difficult to pull due to being the Lv 3 Hyper.


I already saw LVL3 supers with simple commands.

What I could suggest you then is just to reuse the original command of Eternal Slumber everyone is used to.

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Updated Morrigan to fit the commands for the Hypers after testing them out. I forgot to mention that I put the .pcx files for the lifebar port and select port if anyone is willing to help me get a proper MvC2 port of her for the lifebar.

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you know what forget it ima just fix it for you since theres no way to explain it









i tried my best to make it sort of how mouser had his.


i had to edit the image a little.


but if you compare it it looks very decent, hope you enjoy :D


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Here's a trick to use Silhouette Blade & Splendor Love. You MUST press F first, then D, and then DF and as you hold DF, press any of the 2 punch buttons and the hyper will activate. Same for Splendor Love, except it's B & DB instead.

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