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Custom DDV Shadow Master updated 2014-05-29


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Custom DDV Shadow Master
Exclusively announced in MUGEN FREE FOR ALL, my new MUGEN home
DDV Shadow Master: "Mertro City has been covered by my Shadow Plague.  Now it is the New York City's turn!"
TMNT Cyber Shredder: "Talk to the claw!"


2014-05-29 update:

fixed the ""Dragon Shock code", after p2 get hit by the Dragon Shock, Shadow Master "warps"/steps a little bit forward; he should stay in place." bug advised by Staubhold.


Please download the fix patch Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master_fix_2014-05-29.zip from my SkyDrive:  https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!549

* For SNES, there is a Battletoads vs Double Dragon
* For MUGEN, there can now be TMNT vs Double Dragon V
- Double Dragon V (DDV) is a Super Nintendo (SNES) 2D fighting game by Tradewest
Double%20Dragon%205%20-%20The%20Shadow%2        dd5-1.png?psid=1
SNES DDV is based on the Double Dragon cartoon.
You can watch some Double Dragon cartoon at YouTube:


First two (2) episodes:


* Who is that Shadow Boss!?


* featuring Shadow Master more....and his dreadful Shadow Mural finisher!
According to Double Dragon Dojo, "Shadow Master is the supreme leader of the Shadow Warriors.  He is the half-brother of Marika Lee, technically making him Billy and Jimmy's uncle."

Double Dragon Dojo:  http://doubledragon.kontek.net/cartoon/characters.html
Shadow Master 0-0.png?psid=1 is the final boss in the SNES DDV fighting game

MUGEN version video preview:
- with nicovideo account:  http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23090493

- without nicovideo account:  http://en.niconico.sarashi.com/?sm23090493
His moves and properties are simple both in the SNES and in MUGEN.


His moves and properties are simple both in the SNES and in MUGEN:


LP: Light Punch (x)    MP: Medium Punch (y)    HP: Strong Punch (z)

LK: Light Kick  (a)     MK: Medium Kick (b)     HK: Strong Kick ©


Throws with z when you are close to P2

Fireball: D, DF, F, x/y/z

Dashing Lightning Spear: hold B for 35 game ticks, then press F, x/y/z

Crawling Metroid: hold B for 35 game ticks, then press F, a/b/c

Teleport: F, DF, D, DB, A x/y/a/b

* above info. is based on Zotmeister's SNES DDV gamefaqs entry
* more details at http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588287-double-dragon-v-the-shadow-falls/faqs/2773


DDV system in SNES:

- characters have no taunts
- characters have no super moves
- characters have no forward dash and backward hop and air-jump

- characters have no air-block/air-guard

- characters can make P2 dizzy

- combos can be hardly performed
- overkill - kind of like the Fatality finishing move in the Mortal Kombat games
   * To execute an overkill, both you and P2 must be on the ground, and you must hit      

      him/her/it with the attack listed by HIS/HER/ITS name, not yours.  Other conditions
      are it must be the last round of a match and the overkill hit can kill P2 by one blow


DDV system in MUGEN (for Shadow Master, in particular):

- Shadow Master has no taunt
- Shadow Master has no super moves
- Shadow Master has no forward dash and backward hop and air-jump

- Shadow Master has no air-block/air-guard

- Shadow Master can make P2 dizzy

- combos can be hardly performed
- overkill - kind of like the Fatality finishing move in the Mortal Kombat games
   * To execute an overkill on Shadow Master, both you and Shadow Master must be on

      the ground, and you must hit him with your standing far/close HK (usually the button

      "c").  I hardcoded it to use your MUGEN character's Statedef 250-259.
      Other conditions are it must be the last round of a match and the overkill hit can kill

      Shadow Master by one blow.  Yet, Shadow Master cannot overkill other characters.

   overkilling Shadow Master in MUGEN:
   overkillingshadowmaster1.png?psid=1  overkillingshadowmaster2.png?psid=1

SNES DDV unique feature
In SNES DDV, you may input SPECIAL CODES on the main menu screen:
A number of SPECIAL CODES have been mentioned in the above Zotmeister's SNES DDV gamefaqs entry.  The effects range from increasing characters' attribute points, adding more continues, disabling throws/dizziness, to turning the Shadow Master's eyes blue on the title screen!
A cool encouraging SPECIAL CODES feature includes a reward for your hard work:
- get the boss codes once after you finish the tournament game:


This is the SPECIAL CODES I use to get access to the Shadow Master
*** I think my MUGEN version of DDV Shadow Master can use some similar Code Input feature, which might help him overcome the limits of the source game ***
Code Input feature for DDV Shadow Master in MUGEN
During Shadow Master's MUGEN intro (his StateDef 191 state), you may input SPECIAL CODES to give some advantages, disadvantages, and even just-for-fun features!  If you input the code(s) correctly, then you will hear a short laugh of Shadow Master, while  the INPUT CODE text turn grey:
The SPECIAL CODES are made up of directional buttons and the start (s) button
examples:  U, D, B, F or just "s" button or hold B then F,....etc.

1. Taunt-ability code
- code: press start (the "s" button) twice
- effect: in the source game Shadow Master cannot taunt, with this code input, he can
              taunt by the start (s) MUGEN button; every time he taunts, a small amount of
              life will be replenished
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only; life replenish happens only when Shadow Master's life meter is low as at most one-tenth (100/1000)
2. Air-Block/Guard-ability code
- code: U, B, B
- effect: in the source game Shadow Master cannot air-block/air-guard, with this code input, he can air-block/air-guard
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  in air only
3. Combo-ability code
- code: D, D, D, U, F
- effect: in the source game Shadow Master can hardly perform combos, with this code input, he can perform some basic normal chain combos as well as normal-to-special cancellables
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only:
                                       LP/LK => LP/LK
                                       LP/LK => MP/MK
                                       MP/MK => HP/HK
                                       LP/LK => MP/MK => HP/HK
                                       LP/LK => special moves
                                       MP/MK => special moves
                                       HP/HK => special moves
4. Double Jump code
- code: U, U, U
- effect: in the source game Shadow Master cannot double jump in air, with this code input, he can double jump in air
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  in air only; can do double jump one time only during every initial jump
5. Forward Dash & Backward Hop code
- code: F, F, B, B
- effect: in the source game Shadow Master cannot dash forward and hop backward, with this code input, he can dash forward and hop backward
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only:
                                       F, F to dash forward
                                       B, B, to hop backward
6. Game Pause code
- code: hold start (the "s" button) for at least 100 game ticks then release it
- effect: in the source game the player can pause/unpause game by pressing the start button, with this code input, you may also pause/unpause game by pressing start (the "s" button)
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  once the Konami Power-Up code or the God Mod is active, you may not pause/unpause game anymore
7. Konami Power-Up code
- code: U, U, D, D, B, F, B, F, b, a
- effect: power 1000 (out of a total of 3000) is added to Shadow Master's power meter
- duration:  only any one round of a match
- in-game condition(s):  only after the Game Pause code is active
8. Dragon Shock code
- code: D, D, DF, F
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master's Fireball special move turns to Billy's Dragon Shock, also the projectile damages are increased a bit; Shadow Master is Billy's uncle, afterall:
       fireball.png?psid=1        dragonshock.png?psid=1
           Shadow Master's Fireball                           Billy's Dragon Shock
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only
9. Easy Command code
- code: hold B for 35 game ticks, then F, B, F
- effect: Shadow Master's Dashing Lightning Spear and Crawling Metroid special moves require a backward-charging command, with this code input, you may use just B, F command, with no backward-charging need, to perform these two special moves with ease
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only
10. Sagat Projectile Mode code
- code: hold B for 70 game ticks, then F, F
- effect: normally Shadow Master cannot use Fireball and Crawling Metroid special moves at the same time, with this code input, he can shoot both projectiles in Sagat's manner (i.e. after shooting a Fireball, he is able to shoot a Crawling Metroid too, and the other way around)
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only
11. Shadow Boss Assist code
- code: F, DF, D, s
- effect: Jimmy was captured and raised by Shadow Master to become his second-in-command, the Shadow Boss, with this code input, Shadow Master may summon the brainwashed Jimmy (whose eye color is as red as the Shadow Master's) as his assistance:
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only:
                                       command:  D, DF, F, a/b/c
                                       * each summon requires and consumes power 100/3000
12. Safe Mode code
- code: U, D, B, F, B
- effect: normally some of Shadow Master's moves are unsafe at start-up and on hit/guard/block, with this code input, his unsafe moves become quite safe:
            1. Teleport - the start-up becomes invincible (not the ending)
            2. Dashing Lightning Spear - after a contact with P2 then he will automatically
                                                            hop backward safely
            * in addition, Shadow Master will automatically perform air recovery if P2's
               successful attacks allow so
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
13. Hard Mode Level 1 code
- code: F, B, F, D, U
- effect: normally Shadow Master's spear has no collision blue box, with this code input, all his spear attacks are going to have a collision blue box covering around the whole spear, this code might make some certain MUGEN Pro's/dudes happy for their "weapons must have collision blue boxes in MUGEN" belief
              ddv%20sm%20spear%20without%20blue%20box.                    ddv%20sm%20spear%20with%20blue%20box.png
                              normal                                                       with code input
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  applied to all his spear attacks only
14. Hard Mode Level 2 code
- code: D, D, B, B
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master's attack and defense drop by half
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
15. Hard Mode Level 3 code
- code: F, F, D, D, B, B
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master's attack and defense drop by half and his power meter is always empty and he can even take damage when blocking/guarding P2's attacks
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
16. Hard Mode Level 4 code
- code: B, D, B, D, U
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master may not guard/block P2's attacks at all
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
17. Handicap Mode code
- code: F, D, B, B
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master may not perform any special moves
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
18. Semi-Shadow Mode code
- code: D, D, U, D, D
- effect: with this code input, you and P2 can see Shadow Master's confusing shadow only
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
19. Total-Shadow Mode code
- code: U, U, D, U, U
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master becomes totally invisible:
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
20. Giant Mode code
- code: hold D for 50 game ticks, then U, U, D
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master becomes a big giant and he has super armor and his attack and defense increase by 1.5x times:
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  Shadow Master may not crouch/jump/guard/block and may not perform any crouching and aerial attacks as well as the Teleport special move; in addition, P2 may not overkill him too
21. God Mode code
- code: F, D, D, B, F, D, D, B, F, D, D, B, F, D, D, B, F, D, D, B, F, D, D, B, B, B
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master becomes totally invincible and his power meter is always full (3000/3000), as well as all his attacks have no air juggle limit and P2 may not guard/block any of his attacks
- duration:  only any one round of a match
- in-game condition(s):  only after the Game Pause code is active
* God bless your finger(s) when you are trying to input this God Mode code :p
22. Girly "Ouch" code
- code: hold B for 40 game ticks, then D, start (s)
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master's get-hit voices become.......girly  - just for fun
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  Shadow Master must be getting hits
23. Shadow Master BGM code
- code: hold F for 40 game ticks, then U, start (s)
- effect: with this code input, Shadow BGM is played and the MUGEN stage's music is disabled
- duration:  only during the first round of a match
- in-game condition(s):  N/A
MUGEN Custom DDV Shadow Master SPECIAL CODES - continued
24. Shadow Plague Super Move code
- code: you have to play the MUGEN Arcade mode and win some matches with Shadow Master and get to see the code during the MUGEN1.0 victory screen, it is one of his victory quotes:
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master is able to use his custom super move, the Shadow Plague:
- duration:  the whole match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only:
                                       command:  D, DF, F, D, DF, F, x/y/z
                                       * each time it requires and consumes power 1000/3000
MUGEN Custom DDV Shadow Master SPECIAL CODES - continued
25. Shadow Mural Finish code
- code: you have to play the MUGEN Arcade mode and win some matches with Shadow Master and get to see the code during the MUGEN1.0 victory screen, it is one of his victory quotes:
- effect: with this code input, Shadow Master is able to perform Shadow Mural Finish on P2:
   shadowmural1.png?psid=1  =>  shadowmural2.png?psid=1
- duration:  any round of a match
- in-game condition(s):  on ground only:
                                       command:  throw P2
                                       * when P2's life is less than or equal to 100

Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 1500 Series -> Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master -> Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master.zip

for MUGEN 1.0 only.
Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master.def - localcoord = 288,216
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)
    Do not even try to betray me again, former Shadow Boss (Jimmy)!
   Or I am going to send you to the Shadow Mural!!!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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wow this is out of left field ,Were just wanted to say Thank You For releasing yet another Character that undeservingly  so , has never seen the light of day in mugen & its obvious youve come along way buddy...keep em coming 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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WOW! I haven´t tested yet, but will do as soon as I got some spare time!

The "Special Codes" system is awesome, the secret codes in the win screen remind me of Mortal Kombat back in the days. GREAT!!


Is there a special "boss" AI version, who uses some of the benefits without using a code, since it is AI only?

How about a AI "Boss" version which randomly uses one of the good/useful/harder to beat codes?



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Thank you all for your support!  Double Dragon is one of my favorite old-school municipal beat'em up video games (even more than Final Fight).
My favorite medieval beat'em up video game is .....  Golden Axe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually I didn't know of an existence of the SNES DDV and the DD cartoon until very lately in my video gaming life.  Since the Shadow Master is the boss and I love to see and have bosses in MUGEN, so I decided to try to mugenize him.



Sorry but it was my intention to have made the CPU A.I. NOT have the input code effects..............

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Thank you all for your support!  Double Dragon is one of my favorite old-school municipal beat'em up video games (even more than Final Fight).

My favorite medieval beat'em up video game is .....  Golden Axe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually I didn't know of an existence of the SNES DDV and the DD cartoon until very lately in my video gaming life.  Since the Shadow Master is the boss and I love to see and have bosses in MUGEN, so I decided to try to mugenize him.



Sorry but it was my intention to have made the CPU A.I. NOT have the input code effects..............

i have the whole show on my hard drive its awesome i grew up on it. and iam not sure but i think this was also on the sega also but i could be wrong

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>> iam not sure but i think this was also on the sega also but i could be wrong

You were not wrong; there exists a Sega Genesis version:


N9kmxIY.jpg  MrOkMHA.jpg  kZcobOR.jpg


And the Sega Genesis features blood spilling when getting hit, instead of sweat spilling in the SNES version.

More info.:  http://www.gamefaqs.com/genesis/586147-double-dragon-v-the-shadow-falls

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Your Character Is Very Good Coded My Skull Is Kicked By The Fire Balls.  :=D:



Is that some MUGEN bug that you wanted to show me?  What was actually wrong with it please?  By the way, where can I get that interesting skull MUGEN character please so that I can try to see if I can replicate the mentioned bug you found?

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Is that some MUGEN bug that you wanted to show me?  What was actually wrong with it please?  By the way, where can I get that interesting skull MUGEN character please so that I can try to see if I can replicate the mentioned bug you found?

its a wip by A friend when he finish it i will send you a link. and btw i ask you not for an bug but the yellow stars how do you code them on the character?.

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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I fought him.

Facing opponents like her.......Shadow Master's evil plan can hardly be achieved in the MUGEN world.........nice match that you recorded by the way th_099_.gif



its a wip by A friend when he finish it i will send you a link. and btw i ask you not for an bug but the yellow stars how do you code them on the character?.


I did it by putting P2 into a custom dizzy state when P2 has gotten enough hits from Shadow Master, and then used an Explod state controller for the dizzy stars when P2 is in the custom state.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Facing opponents like her.......Shadow Master's evil plan can hardly be achieved in the MUGEN world.........nice match that you recorded by the way th_099_.gif




I did it by putting P2 into a custom dizzy state when P2 has gotten enough hits from Shadow Master, and then used an Explod state controller for the dizzy stars when P2 is in the custom state.

Thanks Thanks Buddy.  :bow:

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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Again, love your choice of chars and the execution of this code system!


Short feedback...

 - all sounds/voices are very low

 - "Dragon Shock code", after p2 get hit by the Dragon Shock, Shadow Master "warps"/steps a little bit forward; he should stay in place.



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>> iam not sure but i think this was also on the sega also but i could be wrong

You were not wrong; there exists a Sega Genesis version:


N9kmxIY.jpg  MrOkMHA.jpg  kZcobOR.jpg


And the Sega Genesis features blood spilling when getting hit, instead of sweat spilling in the SNES version.

More info.:  http://www.gamefaqs.com/genesis/586147-double-dragon-v-the-shadow-falls

well that's interesting I never knew that
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I nearly missed this release!  I'm also a big fan of end-bosses (my original intention was to have nothing but bosses in my MUGEN, but it's now about one-third bosses, one-third characters I just plain like, and one-third dragons who may or may not also be bosses), so this was a must-have even before I read about the Secret Code system.


Anyway, I'm downloading now.

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  • 2 months later...

Oops I have totally forgotten to review my Custom DDV Shadow Master topic:


Again, love your choice of chars and the execution of this code system!


Short feedback...

 - all sounds/voices are very low

 - "Dragon Shock code", after p2 get hit by the Dragon Shock, Shadow Master "warps"/steps a little bit forward; he should stay in place.

I actually tried to use Audacity to normalize the WAV files then amplify them but the volume difference was very little, any further amplifying caused distortion, so there is no way for me to make the sounds/voices louder :/

Yet, the "warps" bug has been fixed!

Please download the fix patch Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master_fix_2014-05-29.zip from my SkyDrive:  https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!549



I nearly missed this release!  I'm also a big fan of end-bosses (my original intention was to have nothing but bosses in my MUGEN, but it's now about one-third bosses, one-third characters I just plain like, and one-third dragons who may or may not also be bosses), so this was a must-have even before I read about the Secret Code system.


Anyway, I'm downloading now.

Thank you for your interesting in my Custom DDV Shadow Master :)


you make sekka?

Sorry, no..........

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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You are aware that you just unintentionally necro'd your own topic, right? (Last response was on March. You replied around 2 months late)


It is because during those 2 months I forgot to check this topic of mine, and since Staubhold gave me a feedback that needs attention so yeah....

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Yet, the "warps" bug has been fixed!

Please download the fix patch Custom_DDV_Shadow_Master_fix_2014-05-29.zip from my SkyDrive:  https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!549


Even if we have Necro rule, I think it doesn't matter since it was necro bumb by the one who create this thread himself, plus Borewood post this patch, can be considered as an update for this character.


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