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Simplified method for this?



I cant a video for reference but essentially the effect im going for a is a particle field (Very much like when Lightning enters those Chaos fields in LR:FFXIII)

Now I was originally was going to make just one big animation using after effects but then i realized that would be pretty stupid due to stages all having different sizes and might slow down pc's if its too big.

So I figured I could use an explod or a helper and have it spawn at random spots but I want certain ones to go in one direction (obv using velsets would work here) but i want some going in the opposite direction, some going up in the sky,different speeds,etc.

Most likely i'll need to make it a helper to use the velsets and veladd, but yeah is there a simple way to do this since i'll prob just make one single particle sprite.

If you want my released works, go here.

3 answers to this question

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ok... this is simple.


This is a example of your explod your gonna need. I don't think you need a helper for this but maybe you do.


your explod code your gonna need.


[state 0, Explod]

type = Explod

trigger1 = time># && time<# ; Replace number with the start and end time for explods spawning. for now use 0 and 100.

anim = # ; Replace with particle animation.

ID = # ; Replace with a number to your liking.

pos = 0,0 ; Leave this to 0,0, this way its start position is the players feet.

postype = p1

;bindtime = 1 ; I've noticed if you put Bindtime = 0, it gives errors, but if you comment it out, It is ignored which is what you want.

vel = -3+random%6,-3 ; Moves explod upward, and then randomly between -3 and + 3 velocity for left or right (nope i don't mean 6)

accel = 0,.44 ; you can use accel, to apply a sense of gravity, as if it moves upwards then falls down. or change value to do what you want.

random = 200,0 ; This will randomly generate the explods anyways from -200, and +200 from the players axis (player is 0, so -200 px left, and +200 px right)

removetime = -2 ; This will remove it when the animation is finished.

pausemovetime = 0 ; Pauses for pause codes.

supermovetime = 0 ; Pauses for super pause.

scale = 1,1

sprpriority = 0 ; You can make this do randomly, so its 1 value, in front is + numbers, below is - numbers.

ownpal = 1 ; Give it, its own pal otherwise if p1 gets burned or turns red, all explods turn red.

removeongethit = 0 ; Its like an "area" effect so we don't want it to suddenly disappear if get hit, this will make it just stop and the rest that are already out will continue.


Thats all you need for a basic explod to work in this fashion.

If you need help contact me on skype.

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trigger1 = time># && time<# ; Replace number with the start and end time for explods spawning. for now use 0 and 100.

vel = -3+random%6,-3 ; Moves explod upward, and then randomly between -3 and + 3 velocity for left or right (nope i don't mean 6)


These were the things i needed most (kinda forgot you can give explods velocity)

thankies ^O^

If you want my released works, go here.

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