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Released Akira's Sephiroth's new snd and reupload Ryon's Sora and Axel snd

Genderless Child

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I've finally done it. Sephiroth by Akira has now a voice. English VA by George Newbern from KH2.
The intro, win, super, attack etc. all done by me. It took me a while, but it was worth it.
Also if you miss Ryon's Sora and Axel snd by me, check it out now.
Sephiroth by Akira, Sora and Axel by Ryon and updating snd file's by me.
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Added a image
plus re-uploading the cns files for these chars.
Updated Sephiroth, removed his A.I state and his A.I Button.
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Oh great! Now Sephiroth feel more complete! Thanks.....er, you are 100% girl right?


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not sure what you did to the great sephiroth but you  totally  mess the character up when i put the rest of the other files besides the snd most of his moves you cant do and it locks up after a while making you not able to do anything but move around

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Well they seem a little LOUD if you know want I mean? Maybe lower them a bit and can you change Axel's KO sound to the other line that says Roxas, GAHAWAWAH.


Alright, i'll see what i can do. Also i don't think he has a death cry KO sound yet. Thanks, Kanbei.



not sure what you did to the great sephiroth but you  totally  mess the character up when i put the rest of the other files besides the snd most of his moves you cant do and it locks up after a while making you not able to do anything but move around


Done. Re-download him again, i've updated Seph's files. Now his A.I button is removed. ;)

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Hey Lightning, I have re-download the Sephiroth patch again but after I use this new one, Sephiroth A.I has been tone down....he is so weak, he barely attack, just guard the whole time. It was your decision to make that way or what? Doesn't matter because if possible, I want his A.I strong back like it used to be. Can you fix it?


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Hey Lightning, I have re-download the Sephiroth patch again but after I use this new one, Sephiroth A.I has been tone down....he is so weak, he barely attack, just guard the whole time. It was your decision to make that way or what? Doesn't matter because if possible, I want his A.I strong back like it used to be. Can you fix it?

Maybe. I'll take a look again. Thanks btw.

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I have good news and bad news.


The bad news is that i can't activate his A.I state. Maybe it has something to do with that stupid A.I button.

So i'm afraid i can't fix his hard A.I anymore.


The good news is i've updated Sephiroth's voice again, working on his hit sounds and it seems to work on my other snd files like Axel, Sora and Megaman. If you fight against Sephiroth, he's not hard to beat him. Look the bright side, at least he isn't cheap anymore. :)

I never like the old Sephiroth, he was way more cheaper than this. 


The next update will be on this weekend. Stay tuned...

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  • 10 months later...

Link is dead, re-up!!!


I'm sorry, Ocelot. But i'm afraid i can't do that. A voice is already made by the author himself in Japanese. Also the one by Axel and Sora is lost from my last pc last year. Only Kanbei and Ryon can help on that. Right now i'm working the spritesheets of Tintin. I'll work on the voices later, like much later just like Capcom Universe.

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