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WIP : Gameboy Fighters


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this character comes from DBZ 2005 bootleg (anyway it's the hack of the orginal game,but the name of that game is unknown)
emmm...I know that for this game are missing the hitsparks,but I will improve it...



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Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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here's some other bootleg edit:
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so this is my hard spritet character by me
because I had to:
-Watch the video of QOF 2000 gbc bootleg game and to rip one sprite from that video
-Bodyswap the NGPC Ryu's sprites three days (wth?)
-To fix pixels every minute
-and program
shit,the worst thing is that people can't dump rom from cartinge,so sometimes you must get that character on hard way
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I'm actualy ripping some sprites from rockman DX3 and Binasty warriors 5

also I'm waiting for chuchoryu's MHx sprites.So the only thing what I updated is new moves in some characters like yuri's butt atack and astrojoe's uppercut in hyper...

I will send some pictures later...

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  • 3 weeks later...

now something what I digged out from bootleg world:

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ugh I didn't take a screenshot of winpose...well...

anyway this character is actualy some confusing mix of mai,athena and yuri

if you can recognize,it's character by sintax...

in original game character is called "mimi" from digimon (WHAT!?) *in other words it is from the digimon 2003 2d beat 'em all"

so I have created this character with big "WTF!?" because it's too weird...

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well dude,the only character what I edited is francis,it is the originaly from quen of fighting 2000,but I used the ryu's sprites and stuff to make that character welll....(because QOF2000 rom isn't dumped yet)

no thanks I don't want marion in my game,but don't be angry on me okay? :)

things were changed,I started to revamap my old ms paint stuff,so I need to stop spriting and get into the ripping and programming...

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Hey Duck, i'll made a old-school soundtracks thread in MFG. I'll ripped some SNES, GENESIS and GAME BOY (this, specially for ya). If you interesting on it:




I hope that ya comment about that ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice project, dude!

(I was kinda offended when you disagreed for Kirby and Blossom. I'm also a bit of sad because i don't see Mario, Ryu or Megaman)

Extremmefan : The Raibow Peacekeeper, Nintendo's Biggest Fan and MUGEN/RPG projects maker. Find at : Club Penguin (Extremmefan1), The Iso Zone, Newgrounds, RPG Maker Speciality, MUGEN Fighters Guild, MUGEN Free For All, Jeuxvideo.fr, 4Shared, Esnips, MediaFire and Smack Jeeves (sprite comic hosting).

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