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3D Boss

O Ilusionista

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Hello my friends.

Since a long time ago, I always wanted to learn 3D to make my own chracters to mugen (since I can't sprite). I am still learning but I think the best way to learn is, actually, to make things :)

So, I started this char wip, which I will call "3D Boss" for now (I am gathering ideas for its name). This will be one of those bosses I like to do, with heavy damage and super armor, but still "killable".

The ideia is to abuse of fire powers, screams and underworld things, to give you an horror experience.


Ignore the hard edges, its a HD char so it won't be noticiable.

The flames are added through mugen codes.

Full render:

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Full stand: http://oi39.tinypic.com/5cnd4k.jpg

Attack (breaths fire)

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The fireballs doesn't hits the char directly, just when the balls explodes.

In-game preview:

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Some of the ideas I gathered for now:

- Fatalities (still deciding if I will use or not)

- Spikes which hangs at the "sky" then fall on you.

- Small flamming skulls, which can be hit and it will flies back to the boss, damaging it. (Iced's idea)

- Spiked Pillars, spikes and anything that can hurt you from the ground.

- Other parts of the char, like big skeleton hands.

Any ideas, drops me a line



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