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Name: TDX

Age: 17

Birthday: February 2nd

Residence: Fresno

Fav. Music: Hard Rock

Family: My Own

Fav. Food: Chicken Parmesan

Persona: Chomei the Shichibi

Render: http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l612/MUGENCrusader2011/tumblr_myi5udoESR1rgp1lgo2_500.png

Persona Render: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/187/c/5/chomei_7_tailed_render_by_finaldestinydreamer-d5696no.png

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Name: TDX

Age: 17

Birthday: February 2nd

Residence: Fresno

Fav. Music: Hard Rock

Family: My Own

Fav. Food: Chicken Parmesan

Persona: Chomei the Shichibi

Render: http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l612/MUGENCrusader2011/tumblr_myi5udoESR1rgp1lgo2_500.png

Persona Render: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/187/c/5/chomei_7_tailed_render_by_finaldestinydreamer-d5696no.png




The girl render needed some cleaning so the white outline looked better but there we go.

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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Hey Ex, I would also like a P4A ID as well if you don't mind.

Character render: http://i.imgur.com/2B9DSd9.jpg

Persona render: http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/nincompoopedia/id/images/f/fe/YUri4n3.png

Name: Remzy

Age: 16

Birthday: March 4th

Blood type: Z

Residence: California

Fav. Music: Instrumental

Family: My LS Guild

Fav. Food: Pineapple Pizza

Persona: Destroyer


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Mind making a P4A ID for me too? (If you don't mind, that is)



Character: http://i.imgur.com/n6MHXp7.png


Persona: http://i.imgur.com/1Tfmye7.png




Name: Zemilia
Age: 20
Birthday: August 2nd
Blood type: A+B
Residence: California
Fav. Music: J-rock
Family: [Access Denied]
Fav. Food: Dumplings
Persona: Justice


Thanks in advance.



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Make me one.

Same info as last time.


Render: http://i.imgur.com/lffttUz.png (Rendered thanks to Tenryuu)


Persona render: http://rendershd.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/renderdedevilmaycrybyelmigue2432528272529.png


Persona: Angelo Credo (because fuck you Credo is awesome)


You'll have to render these yourself *shot*

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Been making some more sigs during some spare time. Almost feels like I'm getting slightly rusty on this, but I hope they're at least decent.


Sig 1: For TAW/Sakuya:



MFFA Re-sized ver:


(I apologize if it's really small)


Sig 2: For DemonKai:


(Bonus points for whoever guess where I got the background)


Sig 3: A personal one (Trying to do something slightly "different"):


(I am aware that I'm using the P3 font for Chie's name, but kind of felt like using that anyway)



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