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Don't Expect Backwards Compatibility on next-gen consoles


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An executive for Electronic Arts has recently claimed that we should not expect Xbox 360 games to run on the next-gen Xbox, nor should owners of the next Playstation expect to play PS3 games on the PS4.Sources report that EA chief financial officer, Blake Jorgensen, said "An important thing to remember is that next-gen consoles will most likely not be backwards compatible… And if you play multiplayer on a game, you'll most likely not be able to play with someone on a different generation."

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This is why i'm gonna be a PC gamer soon, this is just.....

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It's bad enough the systems are not worth it...


Now I just need to hear that they cannot play used games and there failures will be complete...


Pc + Wii U combo is the way to go this Gen.


Then again this is EA that made this statement......

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I doubt its false, for one there wasnt a big attempt to preserve last gens games this gen unless they were hd remakes (which in many cases were great) but futher prove that current games dont compare to older games


If im spending hundreds of dollars on hardware,it might as well be on my pc. It can do everything a console can do and more,plus you can always UPGRADE IT,and for way cheaper.

If you want my released works, go here.

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I doubt its false, for one there wasnt a big attempt to preserve last gens games this gen unless they were hd remakes (which in many cases were great) but futher prove that current games dont compare to older games


If im spending hundreds of dollars on hardware,it might as well be on my pc. It can do everything a console can do and more,plus you can always UPGRADE IT,and for way cheaper.

only if it's customizable and I still don't get the whole concept  behind that


I wish someone could tell me a good build for a desktop or a currently built one

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1. PS4 and 720 will be backwards compatible 

2. PS4 and 720 will rival any gaming computer as it will have the same number of processors. (So we will see 32 v. 32 matches in Battlefield 4)

3. These are set to release in November, 2013 at the earliest.

4. Details about these will be released around April

5. From what I hear, you will be able to transfer your current Xbox LIVE or PSN username to your NG console.

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