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Genie updated by darkruler


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Yeah, I think it'd be cooler if Dark Ruler spent more time on his characters.

he probly would if people would start giving him more feedback i hardly ever see anyone replying feedback to any of his characters he made kind of hard to get something right if no one is giving him anything back

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No one really gives him feedback because he dose even check....

i have seen him time from time he does check at least he not against getting feedback like wlan and he much better at making characters then he is. but yeah i guess you also got a point right there as well. in anycase i happen to like him mostly becuse unlike so many he dont keep producing the same characters of a series like most people do by that i mean street fighter, mortal kombat, the king of fighters, these 3 seem to be very popular with so many people and yet its very boring even if they do have new and better sprites and game play there still the same shit you see, thats why i like him although i do wish he wuld fix most of his characters there still not bad compare to some out there

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I do like the fact that he dose create rather obscure or unattempted chracters but my point is....hes not very good at making them. Hell, i can give a pretty damn good example of something that was rather obscure and lack any resources to actually make it a decent fighter. Just take a look at mitai dake's creations. Heres a video of one of them.


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I do like the fact that he dose create rather obscure or unattempted chracters but my point is....hes not very good at making them. Hell, i can give a pretty damn good example of something that was rather obscure and lack any resources to actually make it a decent fighter. Just take a look at mitai dake's creations. Heres a video of one of them.

i see your point and yeah i do agree with you try pointing out a few things about some of his characters that needs to be fixed or at least well polish up a little. but iam still glad he and a handful of others are making characters and stages that no one has try to make before rather then all of these that has been made over countless times with new sprites and moves 

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