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Posts posted by CoolAnimeHustler

  1. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 104th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today I Was Experimenting With Some More Stage Concepts And I Got An Idea Of Creating A Skyscraper Under Construction! This Fits Perfect With Me Because I Love The City With Its Buildings And Skyscrapers! Plus It Was Fun Putting This Stage Together To Look Like The Inside Of The Skyscraper Is In Heavy Maintenance! This Can Be A Great Stage For Setting Up A Scenario In Your MUGEN In Which You're Trying To Reach The Rooftop! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! You Know...This Stage Can Also Be A Great Stage For Your Spider-Man, Final Fight, Or Even Ninja MUGEN Characters! Let Your Imagination Wonder And Have Fun, Yo! ^_^ Enjoy Another City Theme Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  2. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 103rd Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today I Was Inspired By Action Movies That I Watched Through My Lifetime! Watching The Hero Fight The Villain In Different Industrial Settings Really Gives Off That Action Vibe, Yo! I Noticed That A Lot Of The Bad Guys Tend To Setup A Military/Industrial Home Base In Which The Hero Has To Fight Hundreds Of Henchman To Get To The Main Villain! Should Be A Fun Little Stage For Your MUGEN Rival Fighters! I Decided To Make This A Normal Stage And Messed With Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Fighting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! You Know...I Think The Villains Should Setup A Home Base In A Ice Cream Factory! I Mean...It's Better Than Falling In A Pit Of Lava Or Spikes! Worst Case Is That They Will Fall In A Big Tub Of Ice Cream! Ohhhhh...I Feel Hungry For Ice Cream Now...LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  3. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 102nd Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today I Was Inspired To Create A RPG Themed Stage Today! Playing Games Back In The Day Such As Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Xenogears, Etc. Really Got My Inspiration Going! Watching The Anime Show Called "Konosuba" (Really Great Anime Series!), Also Gave Me Motivation To Create This MUGEN Stage For All Of Your RPG Themed MUGEN Characters! I Made This A Normal Stage This Time And Did Not Add A Super Jump But...As Always...I Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your MUGEN Fighters Are Adjusting Well With The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! Speaking Of Konosuba...I Hope We Can See More Konosuba Characters In MUGEN! We Already Got "Aqua" And The Cheap OP Version Of "Megumin"! If We Get More Of These Characters This Year...That Would Be "Lit" (Using The New Slang Nowadays...LOL! ^_^) Enjoy This RPG Themed Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  4. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 101st Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Good Morning, Yo! I Decided To Start This Year Off With Another Pool Stage! I Found Motivation In Making Another Pool Stage Because It Was The First MUGEN Stage I Ever Made In The Later Parts Of 2017! I Know It's Very Cold In The Month Of January, But I Still Feel That Summer Vibe! I Guess Your Fighters Can Still Have Fun In The Sun! LOL! I Added A Super Jump, Added Haruhi In Swimsuit (I Guess As A Swimming Coach...LOL!), And Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Adjusting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! So Far.. I'm Starting Off The New Year Right With Another MUGEN Stage For All You MUGEN Fans, Yo! Stay Tuned In For Some More Of That Madd Environmental Flavor! Hmmmm...Delicious! LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  5. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 100th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! I Did It...I Finally Reached My Goal...I Just Finished My 100th MUGEN Stage For The MUGEN Engine!!! Yep That's Right! Today I'm Proud To Announce That I Finally Reached My Goal Of Creating "100" Before 2018 Ends! It's Been A Long Journey And I Want To Thank Every Single On Of You For Your Support, Advice, And Criticism! I Couldn't Do It Without You And Most Importantly...It's Been An Adventure Full Of Awesomeness And Fun! Today, I Wanted To Create Another City Stage But This Time...It Will Be Different...For The First Time In Creating My MUGEN Stages...I Finally Added "Rain" Into The Stage! This Was One Of The Goals That I Set For Myself To Implement Into A Stage! I Needed To Practice Adding Some Weather Effects Into My Stages And It Came At The Perfect Time On The Perfect Day Of Achieving Goals! You Can Say That I Knocked Out Two Bad Guys With One Uppercut, Yo! (I Wanted To Try A Different Cliche...LOL!) Seeing That We Are In The Winter Months, I Wanted To Make Another Winter Theme Stage But Keep It In A City Environment! Rain Does Come In These Types Of Months So I Wanted The Rain To Play a Factor In The Stage! I Even Added A Reflection On The Ground That Fighters Fight On To Give That "Wet Street Vibe"! I Also Added A Super Jump And Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Fighting Properly On The Stage! All In All...I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! Reaching This Milestone Of Creating "100" Stages Before The Year Ends Is A Big Achievement For Me! If You Stay Positive, Stay Focus, And Dedicate A Few Hours A Day To Your Goal, You Can Achieve Anything, Yo! Again, I Want To Thank Every Single One Of You For Being Awesome! This Video Game Journey Has Just Begun And I'm Ready To Tackle The New Year That Will Be Upon Us In A Couple Of Hours! Keep Being Awesome My Friends And Most Importantly...Happy New Year, Yo! Enjoy Another City Winter Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! Happy New Year, Yo!! *Peace* ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  6. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 99th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Merry Christmas, Yo! I'm Back With Another Christmas Present For All You MUGEN Fans Out There! I Wanted To Create Another Outdoor Snowy Stage With A Couple Of Buildings In The Background! I Realized That I Did Create A Snow Themed Stage Before I Created "Training On Christmas Eve"! It Was My Earlier Stage Called "January In The City". I Found Some Motivation In Creating A Ski Resort Stage! I Think A Lot Of People Go To Ski Resorts During The Christmas Holidays...I Think People Do...I Don't Know...LOL! But I Do Know That Your Fighters Can Have Fun In The Snow Once Again To See Who's The King Or Queen Of Christmas! I Added A Super Jump For Good Measure And...As Always...Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Compatible With The Stage!  I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! I Hope Everyone Such As My Family, Friends, And You The Awesome Viewer Are Having A Cool Merry Christmas So Far! Who Needs Presents When You Have Love! Am I Right? Yeah...No....Sorta...Okay! LOL! Keep Loving And Keep Being Awesome Peeps! Merry Christmas With Love! Also...I'm One More Stage Close To My Goal Of...100 Stages Completed Before The Year's End!! I Can Do It!! I Can Win This!! I Feel The Power, Yo!!! ULTRA!!!! ⊂(▀¯▀⊂) Enjoy Another Outdoor Winter Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  7. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 98th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Merry Early Christmas, Yo! I Finally Had Some Time In Creating Another Cool MUGEN Stage For All You Awesome MUGEN Fans! I Wanted To Create Another Outdoor Wilderness Stage And I Decided To Create A Winter Theme Stage! I Never Created A Winter Theme Stage So... I Decided That This Day Would Be Perfect To Release This Stage! A Early Gift To You MUGEN Fans! ^_^ I Found Inspiration In Creating This Stage For Working On Holidays Including Christmas! Every Time I Work At My Jobs, I Try To Make Sure I Do The Best I Can And Also Help Customers Have The Best Experience Possible! All Of My Work Training Goes To Customer Service, Hard Labor And The Overall Hustle, Yo! Also...It Helps Maintain A Roof Over My Head! LOL! I Wanted To Dedicate This Stage To All The Hard Working People Around The World That Has To Work On Holidays, Christmas Eve, And Even Christmas! They Truly Make The World Go Round, Yo! I Added A Super Jump And Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Fighting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! I Want To Wish Everyone Around The World A Merry Christmas And Stay Safe This Holiday Season! Enjoy This Outdoor Winter Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters!  You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  8. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Thank You Алескей For All Of Your Hard Work And Dedication To The Site! We Appreciate All You Have Done With Your Showcasing Of Characters, Coding Tips, Overseeing The Site And Fixing The Forum Bugs Behind The Scenes! Keep Being Awesome And Strive For Your Goals, My Friend! You're Always Welcomed At MFFA, Алескей! *Peace* ⊂(▀¯▀⊂)

  9. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 97th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Good Morning Everyone! I'm Having Some Trouble Going To Sleep, So I Decided To Create Another Stage For You Awesome MUGEN Fans, Yo! Today I Found Some Motivation In Creating A Cyberpunk Theme Stage! Watching Anime Shows Such As Mobile Suit Gundam, Ghost In The Shell, Outlaw Star, And Cowboy Bebop Definitely Help Visualize This Image In My Head! I Noticed That I Haven't Really Focused On Stages Outside Our Lovely Planet So...Why Not Make A Space Colony! With This In Mind, I Decided To Add A Super Jump To The Stage For Your Awesome MVC Characters! Also, As Always...I Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Fighting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! You Know...Living In A Space Colony Might Not Be Too Bad...I'll Be Able To See The City But... At The Same Time...Nature Might Not Exist Because Of Our Heavy Use Of Technology! I Hope They Can Somehow Input Some Of Earth's Mother Nature Into A Colony! Welp...Just Got To See What The Future Brings! LOL! Enjoy This Cyberpunk City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



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